Website for indexing GoPro videos written with Angular/JS/PHP/MySQL
NOTE: Very early work in progress, please feel free to contribute or add suggestions
- GoPro/index.php
- GoPro/files.php
- GoPro/Cal/
I only have two sample videos up now, I'll add more to the demo eventually
- Bootstrap - MIT
- JQuery - MIT
- - Apache license V2.0
- Zend_Media_Iso14496 Class is a separate library with a separate licence from
- newscan.php - Scan files into database (Step 1 of adding new files)
- metagen.php - Scan meta information (Step 2 of adding new files)
- bigvids.php - Script to identify big videos (spanning multiple files)
- bigvid_cache.php - Work in progress to correctly cache videos spanning multiple files
- htags.php - Used for testing the parsing of Highlight tags