A light and simple lexical analyzer for XML.
This project was created because I needed a simple way to add syntax highlighting in a stand-alone SWT application. Since there was no simple solution, I created one. Given a string representing a XML document, it finds regions and their positions.
Here is an example.
List<XmlRegion> regions = new XmlRegionAnalyzer().analyzeXml( yourXmlAsAString );
for( XmlRegion xr : regions ) {
switch( xr.getXmlRegionType ()) {
case XmlRegionType.MARKUP: break;
case XmlRegionType.ATTRIBUTE: break;
case XmlRegionType.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE: break;
case XmlRegionType.MARKUP_VALUE: break;
case XmlRegionType.COMMENT: break;
case XmlRegionType.INSTRUCTION: break;
case XmlRegionType.CDATA: break;
case XmlRegionType.WHITESPACE: break;
default: break;
int regionLength = xr.getEnd() - xr.getStart();
System.out.println( "Region Length:" + regionLength );
To use this project, just copy the two classes XmlRegion and XmlRegionAnalyzer in your project. Unit tests are provided. The source code is licensed under the terms of the BSD license.
Source files have a version, so that fixes can be easily found and identified.