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Ryan Sherwood edited this page Apr 23, 2018 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Image BBS wiki! Beware, traveler, for beyond these shores be dragons. No, just kidding. Well, okay, maybe.

How to build code for Image BBS modules:

ML modules:

  • Assemble with casm, part of C64List, in either Wine or a DOS box.
  • Assemble with The Fast Assembler, a native C64 tool.

BASIC modules:

  • Run through C64List
  • Edit using native C64 screen editor

How to transfer code from a PC over to real C64s:

  • ZoomFloppy
  • tcpser4j: Define two modems (one for a physical serial port, one between VICE and tcpser4j, forward one connection to the other)

User commands

Sysop commands

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