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Morse code

Morse code implemented in Java and Kotlin whit additional demos about the library used in the project.

Table of Contents

What is Morse code

The Morse code translate all the 26 alphabet letters and numbers from 0 to 9 into dots and lines are then received in the form of two different sounds: the dot's sound is shorter then the line once.

Project working

How the project worked in the CLI version

In this section is explained the working of class, KMorse works in the same way.
The Morse alphabet is stored in a bi-dimensional array of String where the 1st row is filled whit all the capital letters of the alphabet("A", "B", "C", ...) and the second 2nd row is filled whit the correspondent Morse translation (".-", "-...", "-.-.", ...).
So the morse variable is structured like the example below.

letters Morse
A .-
B -...
C -.-.

So the elements will be accessed like below:
morse[0][0] = A
morse[0][1] = .-
morse[1][0] = B
morse[1][1] = -...

The user input is stored into plaintext, an ArrayList of String. ArrayList is used instead of String because the JMorse method getMorseFromChar(String c) needs to extrapolate each letter into a String and compare it with morse's 1st row strings. To avoid having to deal with upper case or lower case letters, fillText(String c)'s first step is to make the user input uppercase before saving its value in plaintext.
The method that prints the Morse code is printMorse(), which calls getMorseFromChar(String c) foreach letter of plaintext. getMorseFromChar(String c) check if the letter is equal to any String of the morse 1st row. In the affirmative, returns the corresponding String of the 2nd row and passes it as parameter to getSoundFromMorse(String morseString). This method check if each character of the string is a line or a dot, then play the right audio file. The audio files are in the .wav format, they are played using ClipAudioPlayer class. It uses the javax.sound.sampled.* library as explained in Used library session.

GUI whit MVC

After getting a lot of suggestion from the Reddit community, the project has been provided whit a Graphic User Interface that implements the ModelViewController pattern. The list below show its structure:

  1. Model
    • MorseModel
    • SoundModel
  2. View
    • MorseView
  3. Controller
    • MorseController

Let's dive deep into the working of the GUI.MorseModel provide an ArrayList of Pair which couples all the keyboard's keyCode whit the corresponding Morse code. keyCode is handled by the KeyListener interface implemented by MorseView and linked to a JTextField by addKeyListener() method.keyCode is an integer value associated with the keyboard's key: all the keys have a different keyCode.
MorseController has a couple of private ArrayList that are set as text for a couple of label in MorseView. Every time a key is pressed in the view, the model returns the Pair that stores the keyCode whit the corresponding Morse code, then the controller stores the alphabetic value and the Morse value in the lists. The insertion is surrounded by isElement method: it ignores keys like Shift, Ctrl and remove a element from the lists if the pressed key is Backspace.
MorseView has a couple of buttons which are provided with an ActionListener. The Open source! button points to this GitHub repository by calling the openProjectURL() method from the controller. The Play morse button calls the playMorse() method, which calls the static method playSound(String soundPath) from SoundModel.

Used library

The Oracle documentation is divided into different javadocs depending on the SE (Standard Edition) or the JDK (Java Development Kit) version.


To use the ArrayList class, just add this line before the class declaration: import java.util.ArrayList. Most of the IDEs will automatically add it whenever you start implementing it in the code.


The javadocs are available at:


The Pair class has been implemented in the javafx package since the version 2.2. The javadocs available are the following links:

It is the C++'s std::pair equivalent: it simply keeps a pair of values together.


The URL - SE 7 class represents a Uniform Resource Locator, a pointer to a "resource" on the World Wide Web. A resource can be a file or a directory, or it can be a reference to a more complicated object, such as a query to a database or to a search engine.

Discussion about this project

I shared this project in Reddit: I just released on GitHub one of my first project ... !.
The comments are very interesting, you may found a lot of inspiration.


I suggest you to install IntelliJ IDEA before clone this repository.


To install this project just type in the terminal.
git clone


For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


Pietro Poluzzi - PitPietro
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.