#Plus More
Open two terminal windows. In the first window run:
make mongod
In the second window run:
> var config = {_id: "plusmore", members: [{_id: 0, host: ""}]}
> rs.initiate(config)
Each app is in it's own subdirectory. cd
into the app you want to run, and run make start
Follow these instructions.
NODE_ENV production
MONGO_URL mongodb://plusmore:<password>@candidate.11.mongolayer.com:10410/plusmore
MONGO_OPLOG_URL mongodb://oplogger:<password>@candidate.0.mongolayer.com:10412,candidate.11.mongolayer.com:10410/local?authSource=plusmore
ROOT_URL {{urlFromSetup}}
MAIL_URL smtp://postmaster%40plusmoretablets.com:<password>@smtp.mailgun.org:587
Make sure to run modulus project restart
after any changes to environment variables.