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Repository files navigation

Spring Family Album

Main View

This webapp is intended to show photos from local storage and is based on tags system. It reads files right from filesystem and displays them in webbrowser, it doesn't have it's own persistent state.

If you have tagged people in Digikam app, you can provide Spring Family Album a path to digikam database and you will be able to browse your photos grouped by people and year. You can fine-tune subset of images to be shown by whitelist and blacklist of directories in properties file.

Quick Start

In order to run this app you need a JDK 17 and Maven in your Path.

  1. Download ZIP under Code -> Download ZIP
  2. Extract it to directory of your choice;
  3. Open Terminal in directory with pom.xml and execute mvn clean spring-boot:run
  4. Visit http:\localhost:8080

Webapp will launch with sample data - json and photos are included in project. The only property of filepaths group in application properties which should be set is this:

filepaths.imageObjectsJson: classpath:sampleData\imageObjs.json

Digikam Database

This app can extract Image objects from Digikam database. It is convenient because Digikam itself has capabilities of applying face tags to photos. In it's database Digikam contains filepaths relative to root photos directory, so there are two properties which probably will be specific to your installation and should be set in src/main/resources/application.yml file:

	dgkmRoot: E:\PHOTOS
	driverClassName: org.sqlite.JDBC
	url: jdbc:sqlite:C:/Users/user/digikam4.db

Notice how path to digikam4.db file is specified in jdbc.url. Don't forget to comment out (or remove) all unnecessary filepath properties.

Basic usage

  • Click checkboxes of people you want to see and click Show button, you will see all photos where those people are together in chronological order.
  • Choose a year and click Show button, you will see all photos of this year.
  • You can combine two above filters.
  • In single image view you can go to next/previous photo from search results.
  • In single image view you can examine a list of people depicted in current photo and jump to anyone of them with a single click.
  • If too many images have been found, pagination block will appear in search results.

Additional capabilities

  • You can use tagIdToNameFile property to specify a path to tagName->tagId TSV file which allows webapp to display more user-friendly names of tags in comparison to those which were extracted from your Digikam db.
  • You can use thumbsDirectory property to specify a path to directory which contains \d{32}.[(png)(jpg)] files where 32 chars is a digikam-calculated hashcode of an image this thumbnail refers to. Those thumbnails will be used in gallery view and are supposed to lower disk and network usage. There is no implicit thumbnail creation capabilities in this webapp.
  • Use whiteListDirectories and blackListDirectories properties to filter subset of images to be shown.
  • Use imageMagickHashFiles property to specify a path(s) to FullName->ImageHash->Length TSV files, where ImageHash is a 64-char hashcode calculated by ImageMagick. It lets you to overwrite file paths for images found in imageobjects.json file. Fore every image deserialized from json file, if it's imHash found in one of those imageMagickHashFiles, filepath from this file will be used instead of one which is written in json file.


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