PoliMI - High Performance Computing Engineering - Notes and Projects - AndreVale69
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This archive contains my notes while pursuing my master's degree in High Performance Computing Engineering at Politecnico di Milano.
PoliMI-HPC-E-notes-projects-AndreVale69/HPC-E-PoliMI-university-notes’s past year of commit activity - NLA-challenges Public
University project of the Numerical Linear Algebra course. There are two challenges solved using NLA knowledge and two famous library: Eigen and LIS.
PoliMI-HPC-E-notes-projects-AndreVale69/NLA-challenges’s past year of commit activity - AMSC-parallel-FFT Public Forked from AMSC-24-25/20-fft-20-fft
University project of the Advanced Methods for Scientific Computing course. Implementation of the Cooley-Tukey algorithm (parallel and sequential) for computing the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and its inverse.
PoliMI-HPC-E-notes-projects-AndreVale69/AMSC-parallel-FFT’s past year of commit activity - Parallel-Computing-Challenges Public
University project of the Parallel Computing course. There are two challenges that are solved using parallel computing techniques and two famous frameworks: OpenMP and CUDA.
PoliMI-HPC-E-notes-projects-AndreVale69/Parallel-Computing-Challenges’s past year of commit activity - SE4HPC_project_part2 Public
Second (part 2) university project of the Software Engineering for HPC course. Created a CI/CD github pipeline to: test an application (1), containerize the application using Singularity (2), send the Singularity build to the Galileo100 supercomputer (3), and make the results from the cluster available (4).
PoliMI-HPC-E-notes-projects-AndreVale69/SE4HPC_project_part2’s past year of commit activity - SE4HPC_project_part1 Public
Second (part 1) university project of the Software Engineering for HPC course. Implemented Google Test to find bugs in a buggy implementation and implemented automation using github workflows.
PoliMI-HPC-E-notes-projects-AndreVale69/SE4HPC_project_part1’s past year of commit activity - SE4HPC_project_RD Public
First university project of the Software Engineering for HPC course. Technical documentation of a simple project proposal to demonstrate the knowledge gained in the SE4HPC (Requirements Engineering and Design) course.
PoliMI-HPC-E-notes-projects-AndreVale69/SE4HPC_project_RD’s past year of commit activity