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James McDermott edited this page Apr 10, 2018 · 11 revisions

Fitness Functions

Evaluation of individuals in PonyGE2 is carried out by the specified fitness function. All fitness functions are located in src/fitness. Fitness functions in PonyGE2 must be a class instance contained in its own separate file.

NOTE that fitness function classes in PonyGE2 must have the same name as their containing file. For example, a fitness function class titled "my_ff" must be contained in a file called "". Doing otherwise will produce an error.

The Base Fitness Function Class

All fitness functions in PonyGE2 inherit from a main base fitness function class, contained in fitness.base_ff_classes.base_ff. Using object inheritance allows for various checks and balances to be implemented in the base class, which makes writing new fitness functions a more streamlined and easier process.

NOTE that while all example fitness functions in PonyGE2 inherit from the fitness.base_ff_classes.base_ff fitness function class, it is not strictly necessary that any new fitness functions do so. However, it is strongly recommended that new fitness functions follow this convention.

Inheriting from the fitness.base_ff_classes.base_ff fitness function class has a number of benefits:

  1. The base fitness function class defines the default fitness correctly as NaN. Any fitness function that inherits from the base class automatically inherits the correct default fitness value, and as such does not have to implement/define the default fitness.
  2. The base fitness function class defines the fitness maximisation/minimisation attribute as False. Any fitness function that inherits from the base class is automatically set up to minimise fitness values, and as such does not have to implement/define the maximise attribute if this is the aim of the new fitness function.

The base fitness function class defines the framework for any new fitness function which seeks to inherit from the base class. There are three methods defined in the base class:

  1. __init__(self)

    The __init__() method contains all code to be executed during the initialisation of the fitness function. This typically includes the definitions of class attributes or instance variables such as default fitness or fitness maximisation/minimisation.

  2. __call__(self, ind, **kwargs)

    The __call__() method of a fitness function class is called when an individual is evaluated. Fitness functions in PonyGE2 are called automatically from representation.individual.Individual.evaluate. In the base fitness function class, the __call__() method contains a number of exception handling clauses designed to catch a number of pre-determined errors (see the default fitness section for more information). The __call__() method of the base fitness function class directly calls the evaluate() method of the class.

  3. evaluate(self, ind, **kwargs)

    The evaluate() method of a fitness function contains the code that is used to directly evaluate the phenotype string of an individual and return an appropriate fitness value.

Inheritance from the Base Class

Through the magic of object inheritance, any new fitness function which inherits from the base fitness function class only needs to define two of the above three methods:

  1. A new __init__(self) method. As with the base class, this method can be used to define class attributes or instance variables, and can also be used to execute potentially computationally expensive code such as the importing/reading of dataset files.

    NOTE that any new fitness function which inherits from the base fitness function class must initialise the super() class (i.e. the fitness.base_ff_classes.base_ff from whence inheritance comes) in the __init__() of the new fitness function with the following line of code:


    See all PonyGE2 fitness functions for examples of this.

  2. A new evaluate(self, ind, **kwargs) method. A skeleton evaluate() method has been made available in the base fitness function class, for the sole explicit function of being over-written by any class which inherits from the base class. Defining a new evaluate() method in a new fitness function will over-write the existing evaluate() method in the base class, but will still retain the __call__() method of the base class. Thus, when the call to evaluate an individual is made (from representation.individual.Individual.evaluate), the original __call__() method of the base fitness function class is first called, and the new evaluate() method of the new fitness function is then called from within the __call__() method.

    NOTE that any new fitness function which inherits from the base fitness function class and which over-writes the base evaluate() method must use the same method signature as the original base evaluate() method, i.e. the definition of the evaluate() method in any fitness function which inherits from the base class must be:

     def evalaute(self, ind, **kwargs):

    Doing otherwise will produce an error.

    NOTE that any new fitness function which does not inherit from the base fitness function class does not require an evaluate() method to be defined.

Any new fitness function which inherits from the base class does not need to define a new __call__() method. Doing so will over-write the original __call__() method of the base class, and will essentially render inheritance from the base class useless, as all exception handling checks from the base class will be over-written. This is why a dedicated skeleton evaluate() method has been written for the base class.

The Fitness Function Template

To make the process of writing new fitness functions as easy as possible, a blank fitness function template for new implementations has been included with PonyGE2. This template can be found at fitness.base_ff_classes.ff_template. The fitness function template is set up with all necessary code, including an optional overwrite for fitness maximisation/minimisation, necessary initialisation of the super() base fitness function class (from whence the template inherits), and a basic definition of the necessary evaluate() function. All that is required to write a new fitness function using this template is to create a copy of the template, name it appropriately (remember to give the file and class the same name), and insert the necessary code for evaluating the phenotype of an individual into the evaluate() function. See all PonyGE2 fitness functions for examples of this.

For more information on how to evaluate/execute an individual phenotype, see the Grammars section on evaluating -vs- executing phenotypes

NOTE that the fitness function template does NOT include a definition of a __call__() method, as doing so would over-write the same method from the base class.

It is strongly encouraged for users to base new fitness functions from this template.

Default Fitness

The use of a "default fitness" is used in PonyGE2 for a number of reasons:

  1. With traditional GE, invalid individuals are individuals which cannot produce a valid phenotype string from their given genome. Since they do not have a valid phenotype, they cannot be executed/evaluated correctly, and as such can not be assigned a fitness value in the regular way. Note that this does not occur with the use of context-aware "intelligent" operators.
  2. Grammars can often produce large individuals, or individuals with complex behaviour. While valid phenotype strings may be generated, in some cases (such as nested exponential terms, or division by zero), these phenotypes may not evaluate correctly and may raise Exceptions or Errors. Examples of such errors include FloatingPointError, ZeroDivisionError, OverflowError, or MemoryError. These individuals are also counted as "runtime_error" individuals in the stats.

Since all individuals require some fitness value to be assigned to them, this is accomplished in the above cases through the use of a "default" fitness value. The default "default fitness" value in the base PonyGE2 fitness function class is NaN. This allows for easy filtering during the statistical gathering process, to ensure that invalid individuals are not so included.

Since a default fitness value is defined in the base fitness function class, any fitness function which inherits from the base class does not need to define a new default fitness value. However, any newly implemented fitness function which does not inherit from the base class must define a default_fitness attribute.

NOTE that the use of "default fitness" in PonyGE2 is distinct from the concept of a fitness "penalty", as might be found in e.g. constrained optimisation problems.

Fitness Maximisation/Minimisation

A key concept in any optimisation technique is the notion of a fitness gradient, which allows solutions to be ranked in binary terms of "better" or "worse" on any single given objective. The definition of how one single objective fitness value is considered "better" or "worse" than another fitness value is done through maximisation or minimisation.

Put simply, if the objective of a single given fitness function is to maximise fitness, then given two different individuals with valid (i.e. not default fitness) fitness values, the individual with the greater fitness value will be deemed the "better" solution. Conversely, if minimisation is the goal of the fitness function, then the individual with the lowest fitness value will be deemed the "better" of the two.

Fitness maximisation or minimisation is handled in PonyGE2 by the maximise attribute of the fitness function. If the maximise attribute is set to True, then the fitness function will seek to maximise fitness. Conversely, if the maximise attribute is set to False, then the fitness function will seek to minimise fitness. Fitness comparison between two individuals is done through the definition of a customised __lt__(self, other) function in the representation.individual.Individual class.

Since the maximise attribute is set to False in the base fitness function class, any fitness function which inherits from the base class is automatically set up to minimise fitness by default. However, if you are either seeking to maximise fitness, or if your newly implemented fitness function does not inherit from the base class, you must define a maximise attribute in the new fitness function. The fitness function template contains the code to over-write the base maximisation/minimisation attribute should you so desire to use it.

Additional Functionality

Dynamic ranging of variables within the grammar

As detailed in the section on variable ranges in grammars, it is possible to set a specific n_vars attribute in the fitness function, which can then be accessed and used in the grammar through the use of GE_RANGE:dataset_n_vars. This can be especially useful for cases where a dataset has a large number of input variables. Traditional grammar parsers would require each variable to be explicitly mentioned in the grammar, e.g.:

<vars> ::= x[0] | x[1] | x[2] | x[3] | x[4] | x[5] | ...

For datasets with a high number of variables, this can get quite tedious, and can be difficult to read. The use of the n_vars attribute in the fitness function allows you to set the number of variables in the dataset. In our fitness function, we would define:


The <vars> line from the grammar above could then be replaced with:

<vars>   ::= x[<varidx>]
<varidx> ::= GE_RANGE:dataset_n_vars

See fitness.supervised_learning.supervised_learning and the supervised_learning/supervised_learning.bnf grammar for a working usage example.

Evaluating on Training and Test Data

For fitness functions which evaluate solutions on either training or test datasets (e.g. supervised learning problems), PonyGE2 can automatically evaluate the best solution at the end of the evolutionary run on unseen "test" data. This is done through the use of a training_test attribute in the fitness function, which PonyGE2 checks for during the stats collecting process in stats.stats.get_soo_stats or stats.stats.get_moo_stats.

PonyGE2 switches between evaluation on training or test data with the use of an optional input argument of "dist". By default, the dist argument is set to "training". However, for test evaluation, the input argument is changed to "test". Optional input arguments for PonyGE2 fitness functions are handled through the **kwargs input. In order to set a default input flag for "dist" to "training", the following line of code is required in the evaluate() method of the fitness function:

dist = kwargs.get('dist', 'training')

This line defines a dist attribute for the fitness function, which can then be used in the evaluate() method to automatically set the training or test dataset upon which evaluation is to take place. An example of how this can be achieved is provided below:

if dist == "training":
    # Set training datasets to be used.
    x = self.training_in
    y = self.training_exp
elif dist == "test":
    # Set test datasets to be used.
    x = self.test_in
    y = self.test_exp

Note that the above example is contingent on self.training_in, self.training_exp, self.test_in, and self.test_exp variables being defined and set in the __init__() method of the fitness function. See fitness.supervised_learning.supervised_learning for a working usage example.

Error Metrics

Some supervised learning fitness functions require an error metric (e.g. mean-squared error, or mse) to be specified. While the default regression and classification fitness functions provided in PonyGE2 have their error metrics set to rnse and f1_score respectively by default, it is possible to specify new error metrics with the argument:

--error_metric [ERROR_METRIC_NAME]

or by setting the parameter ERROR_METRIC to [ERROR_METRIC_NAME] in either a parameters file or in the params dictionary, where [ERROR_METRIC_NAME] is a string specifying the name of the desired error metric. A list of currently implemented error metrics is available in

NOTE that for some supervised learning problems that use specified error metrics (e.g. mean-squared error), these error metrics have their own maximise attributes. This maximise attribute is automatically used by the specified supervised learning fitness function in place of the standard maximise attribute.


Some supervised learning fitness functions may require a dataset across which to be evaluated. Datasets for PonyGE2 are saved in the datasets folder. Most supervised learning problems require two datasets: training and test data. These are specified independently in order to allow for problems to be run only on training data (i.e. if no test dataset is specified, the best individual at the end of a run will not be evaluated on unseen test data).

Training datasets can be specified with the argument:

--dataset_train [DATASET_NAME]

or by setting the parameter DATASET_TRAIN to [DATASET_NAME] in either a parameters file or in the params dictionary, where [DATASET_NAME] is a string specifying the full file name including file extension of the desired training dataset.

Testing datasets can be specified with the argument:

--dataset_test [DATASET_NAME]

or by setting the parameter DATASET_TEST to [DATASET_NAME] in either a parameters file or in the params dictionary, where [DATASET_NAME] is a string specifying the full file name including file extension of the desired testing dataset.

If using any of the tree example supervised learning fitness functions (supervised_learning.supervised_learning, supervised_learning.regression, or supervised_learning.classification), datasets are automatically loaded by the supervised_learning.supervised_learning fitness function class using the function. If implementing a new fitness function, then this get_data function should be called during the __init__() method of the fitness function:

self.training_in, self.training_exp, self.test_in, self.test_exp = \
    get_data(params['DATASET_TRAIN'], params['DATASET_TEST'])

NOTE that when using training and test datasets for evaluation, you must include a self.training_test = True attribute in the fitness function, as detailed above.

NOTE that you must specify the file extension when specifying the dataset names.

While it is recommended that supervised learning problems implement training and unseen testing data, it is not necessary to use testing data with these problems. If you wish to run PonyGE2 with no test dataset, you can simply use the argument:

--dataset_test None

NOTE that if no testing dataset is being used, there is no need to set a training_test attribute in the fitness function. This can be done automatically in the __init__() method of the fitness function with the following check:

if params['DATASET_TEST']:
    self.training_test = True

Dataset Delimiters

By default, PonyGE2 will try to automatically parse specified datasets using the following set of data delimiters in the following order:

  1. "\t" [tab]
  2. "," [comma]
  3. ";" [semi-colon]
  4. ":" [colon]

If the data cannot be parsed using the above separators, then PonyGE2 will default to using whitespace as the delimiter for separating data (a warning will be printed in this case). However, it is possible to directly specify the desired dataset delimiter with the argument:

--dataset_delimiter [DELIMITER]

or by setting the parameter DATASET_DELIMITER to [DELIMITER] in either a parameters file or in the params dictionary, where [DELIMITER] is a string specifying the desired dataset delimiter.

NOTE that you do not need to escape special characters such as "\t" with "\\t" when passing in the --dataset_delimiter argument from the command line. Simply specify the raw desired string.


Some fitness functions may require a target value. For example, the string_match fitness function requires a target string to match. Target strings can be specified with the argument:

--target [TARGET_STRING]

or by setting the parameter TARGET to [TARGET_STRING] in either a parameters file or in the params dictionary, where [TARGET_STRING] is a string specifying the desired target string. Once set, the TARGET string can be accessed throughout PonyGE2 via the params dictionary.

NOTE that all target values will be stored in PonyGE2 as a string by default. If a fitness function requires any data structure other than a string, the target string itself must be parsed to the desired data structure within the fitness function itself.

NOTE that if this parsing of the target string is done in the __init__() call of the fitness function, it only needs to be done once rather than at every fitness evaluation.

Specifying Fitness Functions

Fitness functions can be specified with the argument:

--fitness_function [FITNESS_FUNCTION_NAME]

or by setting the parameter FITNESS_FUNCTION to [FITNESS_FUNCTION_NAME] in either a parameters file or in the params dictionary, where [FITNESS_FUNCTION_NAME] is a string specifying the name of the desired fitness function.

Multiple Objective Optimisation

Multiple objective optimisation (MOO) in the form of the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm 2 (NSGA2) [Deb et al., 2002] has been included with PonyGE2. The developers of PonyGE2 have sought to implement multiple objective optimisation in the simplest and most intuitive way possible.

The core concept of how MOO is implemented in PonyGE2 requires a single fitness function for each desired objective fitness. Each individual fitness function is then a standalone fitness function (i.e., PonyGE2 should be capable of being used with these fitness functions in a normal single-objective manner) with all of the structure and attributes of a standard fitness function (as detailed above). The user can simply then specify all desired fitness functions to be used, and PonyGE2 will automatically use NSGA2.

Example Problems

Two example problems are provided:

  1. Regression with bloat control

    This example runs the standard Vladislavleva-4 regression example, but with a second fitness function that aims to minimise the number of nodes in the derivation tree. To try this problem, specify the following command-line argument:

     --parameters moo/regression_bloat_control.txt
  2. An example benchmark multi-objective optimisation problem from [Zitzler, et al.] is provided. To try this problem, specify the following command-line argument:

     --parameters moo/zdt1.txt

Specifying Multiple Fitness Functions

Multiple fitness functions are specified in PonyGE2 in the same manner that single fitness functions are specified.

Command Line

If using the command line, fitness functions can be specified with the argument:


where [FITNESS_FUNCTION_1_NAME], [FITNESS_FUNCTION_1_NAME], etc are the names of the desired individual fitness functions.

NOTE that when specifying multiple fitness functions from the command line it is not necessary to use commas or any separators between the various fitness functions. Equally, it is not necessary to use any form of bracketing when specifying multiple fitness functions from the command line. The command line parser of PonyGE2 handles this automatically.

Parameters File / Params Dictionary

Unlike with the command line, when specifying multiple fitness functions from either the algorithm.parameters.params dictionary or from within a parameters file, it is necessary to place the names of each desired fitness function into a list and to use a comma to delineate between individual fitness functions. An example of this would be:


where [FITNESS_FUNCTION_1_NAME], [FITNESS_FUNCTION_1_NAME], etc are the names of the desired individual fitness functions.

NOTE that when specifying multiple fitness functions from either the params dictionary or in a parameters file that it is necessary to place the desired fitness functions in a list, i.e. with bracketing and commas.

Example parameters files for multi-objective optimisation problems can be seen in the parameters/moo folder.

Multi-Objective Fitness Function Implementation

PonyGE2 handles the use of multiple fitness functions through a dedicated base MOO fitness function, contained in fitness.base_ff_classes.moo_ff. When multiple fitness functions are specified, this fitness function class is automatically used as a holding class for each individual fitness function. Fitness functions are handled as a list of individual fitness function class instances. When evaluation of an individual is called, each fitness function within this list is called in turn in order to produce an array of fitness values for the given individual. Since each individual fitness function acts as a standalone fitness function, this means that any fitness function in PonyGE2 can be used as a fitness component for multiple objective optimisation.

NOTE that the base MOO fitness function class automatically initialises each of the specified fitness functions during its own initialisation.

Since the base MOO fitness function class generates a list of individual (single objective) fitness functions, the base MOO fitness function does not need to inherit from the base fitness function class as each individual (single objective) fitness function so inherits. Since each individual fitness function inherits from the base class, the only checks that are required in the MOO fitness class pertain to its multiple objective nature and the handling of default fitness values.

Default Fitness

Since the actual implementation of multiple objective optimisation in PonyGE2 is defined as a list of individual fitness functions, the default fitness must also be handled as a list. The base MOO fitness function class defines its own default_fitness attribute as a list of all of the individual default_fitness values of the individual specified fitness functions.

With regards to the setting of default fitness values, if any single fitness value for any given fitness function returns a NaN value (i.e. the default fitness of the base class), then all fitness values for that particular individual are set to their default fitness values (i.e. all fitness are given the default_fitness value of their respective fitness functions). Furthermore, if any single fitness function encounters a runtime error, the entire individual is counted by the stats as a "runtime_error" individual (Note that a check is in place to ensure that violations across multiple fitness functions are not recorded more than once for a single individual).

Multi-Objective Operators

Since multiple objective optimisation creates a pareto front of individuals, standard single-objective operators which implement comparisons between individuals (e.g. selection and replacement) are not compatible with MOO problems. As such, NSGA2 has its own implementation of selection and replacement operators. However, these are not set by default if multiple fitness functions are used. As with normal selection and replacement operators, MOO-compatible operators must be directly specified.

NOTE that MOO-compatible operators require a multi_objective = True attribute. Failure to do so will result in an Error.

Multi-Objective Statistics

Aside from selection and replacement operators, one of the major distinctions between single objective optimisation and multiple-objective optimisation is how statistics are collected and reported on the population. As such, the use of multiple objective optimisation requires a dedicated statistics handler. Such a function is provided in stats.stats.get_moo_stats. This MOO stats parser is automatically used by PonyGE2 in the event of multiple fitness functions being used.

The main differences between single objective and multiple objective statistics are:

  1. A single "best ever" individual is not tracked by utilities.stats.trackers.best_ever. Instead, the first (non-dominated) pareto front of individuals is tracked therein. This is also true for the "best_fitness" statistic, which is replaced with the "first_fronts" statistic. This new statistic tracks the number of individuals on the first (non-dominated) pareto front.

  2. Since the single objective "best_fitness" is no longer tracked, normal fitness plotting can not be done with multiple objectives. As such, fitness plotting is replaced with the plotting of all fitness values on the first (non-dominated) pareto front across each generation. Fronts are color-coordinated for visual distinction. Axes are automatically labelled with the respective names of the individual fitness functions.

    NOTE that at present fitness plotting is only enabled in PonyGe2 for problems with either one or two objectives. Problems with three or more objectives do not yet have fitness plotting enabled.

  3. Since the single "best ever" individual is replaced with a list of all individuals on the first (non-dominated) front, saving of the single best individual with multi-objective optimisation saves a folder containing all individuals on the first front.

  4. Fitness metrics across the entire population (such as average fitness) cannot be tracked. The "ave_fitness" statistic is replaced with the "pareto_fronts" statistic. This new statistic tracks the total number of pareto fronts.

Multicore evaluation

Evaluation of a population of individuals can be done in series (single core evaluation) or in parallel (multi core evaluation). Multicore evaluation can be activated with the argument:


or by setting the parameter MULTICORE to True in either a parameters file or in the params dictionary.

Additionally, the number of processor cores used for multicore evaluation can be controlled with the argument:

--cores [INT]

or by setting the parameter CORES to [INT] in either a parameters file or in the params dictionary, where [INT] is an integer which specifies the number of cores used for fitness evaluations. The default value is to use all available cores.

NOTE that multicore evaluation may require a slightly longer setup time on Windows operating systems. For more information, see the documentation string of the function utilities.algorithm.initialise_run.pool_init().

NOTE that multicore evaluations may not necessarily improve computational runtime for small problems as a certain overhead is necessary to run the multicore evaluation process.

NOTE that for smaller problems fitness evaluations may not necessarily present a bottleneck in terms of computational run-time. It is advised to use a python profiler to ascertain whether or not fitness evaluations present such a bottleneck. If this is the case, multicore evaluation may improve the run-time of a single evolutionary run.

NOTE that when running batches of multiple experiments, it will always be faster to run multiple single-core experiments in parallel, rather than multiple multi-core experiments in series.


Caching is provided in PonyGE2 to save on fitness evaluations and to track the number of unique solutions encountered during an evolutionary run. Cached individuals have their fitness stored in the utilities.trackers.cache dictionary. Dictionary keys are the string of the phenotype. Using the phenotype string as the key for the cache means that duplicate phenotypes will not be evaluated, even if their genetic makeup is distinct (see the many-to-one mapping process section).

Caching can be activated with the argument:


or by setting the parameter CACHE to True in either a parameters file or in the params dictionary.

There are currently three optional extras for use with the cache, all of which are activated in fitness.evaluation.evaluate_fitness:

Fitness Lookup

This is the default case when caching is activated. Individuals whose phenotypes match one which has already been evaluated have the previous fitness read directly from the cache, thus saving fitness evaluations. Fitness lookup can be de-activated with:


or by setting the parameter LOOKUP_FITNESS to False in either a parameters file or in the params dictionary.

Fitness Penalty

Individuals which have already been evaluated (i.e. duplicate individuals) are given a default bad fitness. The fitness to be assigned is the default fitness value specified in the fitness function. This parameter can be activated with the argument:


or by setting the parameter LOOKUP_BAD_FITNESS to True in either a parameters file or in the params dictionary.

Mutate Duplicates

Individuals which have already been evaluated (i.e. duplicate individuals) are mutated to produce new unique individuals which have not been encountered yet by the search process. This parameter can be activated with the argument:


or by setting the parameter MUTATE_DUPLICATES to True in either a parameters file or in the params dictionary.

NOTE that the various caching options are mutually exclusive. For example, you cannot specify --mutate_duplicates with --lookup_bad_fitness.

NOTE that if a linear mutation operator is used, it is possible for PonyGE2 to get stuck in an infinite loop if --mutate_duplicates is specified.