Basic resiliency daemon around a Secret Network blockchain node.
- Auto restart on consensus failure
- Auto rollback & restart on consensus failure
wrong Block.Header.AppHash
orwrong Block.Header.LastResultsHash
- Discord notify on any other consensus failure
- Discord notify if no new block was processed in given period of time
Only supported on Linux
./SecretKeeper start
--secretd /usr/local/bin/secretd #Path to systemd binary
--service secret-node #Systemd service name of node
--secretd-home /home/node/.secretd #Path to your secretd home (optional, will fallback to default)
--discord-user-id #User id on discord (optional)
--webhook-url #Discord webhook url (optional)
--max-seconds-without-block #Maximum seconds without a block before a notification is sent
- Make sure that SecretKeeper can acceess both
- If you decide to run SecretKeeper as root and the node as a user specify the