scripts cat > gitclone/n
.....> first go in directory which is to push in git/n
.......>if git is not installed (sudo apt install git)/n
........>git clone <link> (link from github site code section https link)/n
ls (to check folder is there or data)/n
....>git switch branch name (to change branch) /n
....>git add . (to add all changes in directory/n
....>git status (to show all changes and commits/n
..>git commit -m "message"/n
..>git branch (to check branch)/n
...>for token (go to github profile ..> setting...>developer settings...>personal access token..>token(classic)>>.generate new token/n
>>>>copy token and save after generating/n
.....>git push (branch if you want)/n
..>give username/n
..>paste token /n
echo "please enter username and password"
read username
read password
echo $username
echo $password
sudo useradd -rm -d /home/root -s /bin/bash -g root -p $password $username && echo "user is ready"