Repository performs simple searching operation on Tmdb search API to generate results with infinite scrolling.
View : Activity an dFragments are responsible for all the view operations and navigations. They do not inherit any integlligence of underlying models. All we need to do is to supply data objects to be set in these views.
Repository : They are the factory classes for all the data to be shown on UI. They handle all operations related to network calls/ DB queries/ Managers/ etc.
ViewModels : Act as an interface and contain the buisness logic for the application. Any data generated by repository will be passed onto it's corresponding ViewModel which will further pipeline it to view.
LiveData : They act as streams in which actual data flow. They are unidirectional in nature ( from ViewModel -> View )
DataSource and Factory : Factory for all items shown in recyclerview and pagination handling for 3 types of sources
- Retrofit
- Rx-Java
- Jetpack Paginate
- Jetpack LiveData
- Espresso
- Glide