Every project has the following files :
- The .ino for code
- The .brd for board design
- The .png image of the circuit
- The .csv for components list
The projects in their order of creation:
- Low Light LED
- Temperature Sensor
- Motion Detection
- Auto Street Light
- Auto Door
- Push button LED
- PWM Simulation
- 3 LED
- RGB Serail Input
- Stopwatch
- Stopwatch V2
- IR Remote Control
- Bi-directional Visitor Counter
- Voltage Level Indicator
- Weather Montioring System
- LCD + Keypad
- Servo Motor demo
- Distance Using SR04
- I2C Seperated Button LED
- I2C Alternated Button LED
- ThingsSpeak Temp Input
- House Security System
- Smart Parking System
- I2C Temperature Display
- Solar Panel Tracking