- Our project helps users in providing sector based recommended stocks of nifty constituents on the basis of last 15 days data using following parameters: Fundamental : Growth, Dividends, PE Ratio (Price to Earnings Ratio), EPS(Earnings per Share). Technical : Market Capitalization, Simple Moving Average, Volume.
- On the basis of selected parameter, users can get recommendation to Buy, Hold or Sell stocks of following sectors: Automobile, Banking, Cement, Energy, Information Technology, FMCG, Pharmaceutical, Metals.
- We have also provided functionalities such as -
- Saving a recommended stocks with the specified quantity
- Analysing the top gainer amongst all stocks
- Calculating Price shockers (stocks that have seen a sudden spike in price) & Volume shockers (stocks that have seen a sudden spike in volumes traded).
- User profile page maintains user details like, user name, first name , last name and photo of user and also previously saved stocks
- Frontend : Angular
- Backend : Springboot
- Database : MySql
- API : Yahoo Finance API
- Testing : Selenium WebDriver & TestNG
- Install NodeJs from NodeJs Official Page.
- Open Terminal
- Go to your file project
- Run in terminal:
npm install -g @angular/cli
- Then:
npm install
- And:
npm start
- Navigate to localhost:4200