An awesome, curated list of various software testing related blogs and similar resources.
See our contribution guidelines if you'd like to contribute.
Interested in management and process focused topics? Then look no further!
- A seasoned tester's crystal ball: Great blog tackling many meta-level topics.
- Lisa Crispin: Lisa Crispin's official blog about agile testing.
- Nicola Lindgren's blog: More focused on soft skills and manual testing. Formerly known as nickytests.
- Simon Prior's blog: A blog about quality and testing from a management perspective.
- The social tester: Focuses on topics like organizational culture, management, and hiring.
Look here for more in-depth blogs and articles on test engineering and design.
- Alexander on Testing: Contains various software testing related blog posts.
- Appium Pro: Blog about test automation with some focus on Appium-specific approaches.
- Automate the planet: WebDriver-focused test automation with focus on architecture and design patterns.
- Automation Panda: As recommended by awesome-testing on GitHub, a great blog covering automation related topics.
- On Test Automation: Focuses on test automation and API testing.
- TestProject Test Automation Blog: Another one with focus on automated E2E and API testing.
- Chris James' Blog: Great TDD content by the author of Learn Go with Tests.
- Martin Fowler: Contains a wide range of topics related to software development, but nonetheless relevant for testing.
- Ploeh Blog: Software design focused blog offering various topics organized through tags, e.g. unit testing design topics.
- Adam the Automator: General automation blog with strong focus on Microsoft technologies, e.g. PowerShell.
Last but not least, here are some other blogs that did not fit well into any of the other sections as they cover/aggregate a wide range of topics.
- 5blogs: 5 daily, newly curated software testing blog posts.
- Association for Software Testing: More blog posts about various topics.
- DevelopSense: A long-living blog about a wide range of topics.
- Google Testing Blog: Low activity, but the posts are - nonetheless - quite interesting and cover various topics.
- Huddle blog: Another blog offering posts about various topics.
- Ministry of Testing: Extensive collection of articles related to various software testing topics.
- Satisfice: A blog about software testing and quality with a huge catalog of selectable categories.
- Software Testing Magazine: Contains articles about a multitude of easily filterable topics.
- Software Testing Weekly: Weekly aggregation of curated blog posts related to various topics which can be easily consumed via newsletter.
- Testhouse Blogs: Blog posts with strong focus on test management and QA.
- Thoughts from the test eye: Miscellaneous testing related topics written by various authors.
- Tomi Familoni's testing diary: Another software testing and QA diary.
- XRAY Software Testing Blog: Even more software testing blog posts. Its yearly trends predictions sets this one apart.