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Repository files navigation / pxlNav

Javascript player controller & framework for three.js

Metown USA, baby!

Kevin Edzenga's web dev & shader resume site
  Made as a way to show off pxlNav pxlNav environment

The Good Bits -

Wanna see the template or example rooms using 3d fbx files?

  For pxlNav Documentation -
    pxlNav Documentation

  For pxlNav Repo with Source & Info -
    pxlNav Repo

  Minified pxlNav, style, & assets (if desired) -

  pxlNav dev entry point is -
    ./Source/js/pxlNav.js public site -

Note about pxlNav -
    November 16th, 2023

I decided to release the pxlNav framework for three.js I wrote for use in the virtual event website,
  A site used during the height of the pandemic to throw multiplayer avitar filled virtual parties & dj album drops.
    With live video feeds of our house dj and event dj, switched dynamically durring events., using pxlNav with Three.js

(Antib0dy.Club, networking has been removed though)

For pxlNav I wrote a first person navigation system, collision detection, camera animation sequencer,
  An in-browser opengl vert/frag shader code text editor & compiler/refresher with keyboard shortcut regex commands,
  FBX 3d scene structure to allow for Maya/Blender directly into pxlNav with complete scene comprehension.

All as a framework using three.js with differed render passes to allow for in-environment items
  Which could alter the screens appearance through post processing,
    Or added screen effects when using teleportation pads
      Between like-named collider+object pairs in the FBX scene file

But I did remove the Jitsi integration of users webcams and mics
  Implemented as their video visual avitar & audio with distance fall off attenuation.
This is too much of a separate intergration to include in this repo, nor the pxlNav repo (when its created)
It will need to have a docker script, websocket settings,
  Port forwarding, sip controlling, handshake handling,
    Room management overhaul, more asset & user managament checks, added security;
      An entire environment to set up
  So I'll likely make a pxlVideoAvitar repo in the future,
    But there are no plans for that at the moment.

Realistically, I should add Universal Scene Description (USD) support for future advancements to the system.

But heck with it, for now I'm making a rabbit druid dude poke a fire and look at a stick for my website!
- Kevin Edzenga

Temporary holdover for pxlNav until I implement the third-person controller & code clean up / commenting,
  I'll created a pxlNav repo when complete