This is a small single header internal C++ HTTP/s client library I made for my own projects, it is a wrapper around libcurl (so link it by adding -lcurl to your compiler)
is it well written?
Should I use it?
Why should I use it?
Its simple to use
To get started with alicenet, simply copy the "alicenet.hpp" header to your program and include it like this
#include "alicenet.hpp"
to make a request, make an alicenet object alicenet request;
set your URL as so request.url = ""
then set your request type (GET or POST) request.type = "GET"
if you wish you can additionally pass
- postOptions (as std::string)
- headers (as std::map)
- userAgent (as std::string)
- authentication (as std::string) (the format is "username:password")
once you declare all your options, go and make that request request.makeRequest()
all your outputs will be in the response
struct, so if you want the body of your response, and you want to print it,
std::cout << response.response.Data
if you want to know if your response was sucessful
if (request.responseCode == 200) {
// celebrate
} else {
// cry
if you want to get all the headers, they'll be provided in a nice std::map object, so just
for(auto header: request.responseHeaders) {
std::cout << header.first << ": " << header.second << endl;
and if you need to know how much time the request took, that'll be provided in a variable called "timeElapsed"
std::cout << request.timeElapsed
Example code is provided in testApplication.cpp