The Project-Env Shell integration application allows to use tools setup by the Project-Env CLI in a shell environment. See Project-Env for more details.
brew install --cask project-env/tap/project-env-shell
winget install ProjectEnv.ProjectEnvShell
To use Project-Env managed tools in your unix shell, create the following script:
if [[ ! -f "project-env.toml" ]]; then
project-env-shell --config-file="project-env.toml" --output-template=sh --output-file=.project-env
source .project-env
To use the tools, you now only need to call the script to setup the shell.
For example, if you want to start your IntelliJ Terminal with Project-Env tools setup, configure the following command in the Terminal settings:
/bin/sh --login -c <path to script>
To use Project-Env managed tools in your Cygwin shell, create the following script:
@echo off
if not exist project-env.toml (
) else (
project-env-shell.exe --config-file=project-env.toml --output-template=cygwin --output-file=.project-env
dos2unix .project-env
bash.exe --init-file .project-env
To use the tools, you now only need to call the script to setup the shell.