- IntelliJ IDEA ( with Scala and Play plugin enabled )
- Java 8
- Enough Coffee
- Virtualbox
- Vagrant
Tested with IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.3.
- Checkout https://github.com/Project-Helin/server
- Import server Project in IntelliJ:
- File -> Open -> select 'server' folder
- Select SBT
- 'Import Project from SBT' Dialog appears, setup as follows:
- ☑ Use auto-import
- ☐ Create directories for empty content roots automatically
- Download: ☑ Sources ☑ Javadocs ☑ Sources for SBT plugins
- Project SDK: Select Java 1.8
- Project format: .idea (directory based )
- Click Ok
- 'SBT Project Data To Import' Dialog appears
- ☑ root
- ☑ root-build
- Click Ok
- After few minutes, IntelliJ should have indexed the project.
- Now clone Commons Project this contains all Classes which are shared between Server and Onboard-App
- Import commons Module in IntelliJ: * File -> New -> Module from Existing Sources -> select 'commons' folder * Select Gradle * 'Import Project from Gradle' Dialog appears, setup as follows: * ☑ Use auto-import * Project SDK: Select Java 1.8 * Project format: .idea (directory based ) * Click Ok
- Now you should see the commons module at top of the server project in the Project Tree View
- Open Gradle Projects in the right sidebar and start the following Task: commons -> Tasks -> publishing -> publishToMavenLocal
- Start up Virtual machine with Database and RabbitMQ-Broker (see RabbitMQ and Postgresql with vagrant)
- Set RabbitMQ credentials in the class SettingsHelper
- Right Click on ApplicationController in app -> controllers -> Run Play 2 App
- The Server App is now reacheable at localhost:9000
- Install Virtualbox ( tested with 5.0.14 )
- Install Vagrant ( tested with 1.8.1 )
- Run following command to start the VM with the preconfigured setup
cd <your-folder>/server
vagrant up
(This can take up to 30 Minutes, because it has to compile some database extensions which are needed for calculating routes.) 5. Go to http://localhost:15672 to verify if Rabbit-MQ Broker has started correctly
To run all test you need Firefox on your machine. Then call following command:
<your-folder>/activator test