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This was a partially completed prototype of Sidewalk Gallery. The eventual implementation used an entirely different architecture. The current implementation is part of the SidewalkWebpage repository, in public/javascripts/Gallery. The SidewalkGallery repository you're looking at had bugs in it's initial implementation and is not being maintained.

Sidewalk Gallery


This is the main repo for Sidewalk Gallery. Above is a screenshot of the tool from 06/11/20.

Development Notes


The following dependencies are required to run this project:

  • Docker (
  • Node.js (version 10 or higher)
  • JDK (recommend version 1.8 or higher)
  • scala

We use Angular/Typescript for the frontend, Scala/Slick for the backend and PostgreSQL for our database.

Development environment

The recommended development environment for Sidewalk Gallery is IntelliJ IDEA. Valentina Studio is nice for database administration.

First-time Setup Instructions

  1. You will need to get the following things from Mikey (send him an email!)

    • Core Sidewalk database dump (it's recommended you get the smallest dump possible -- there's more than enough data collected for dev purposes). You should create a db folder in the home directory, and name the database sidewalk-seattle-dump.
    • Google Maps API key. This should be saved in the project's home directory.
  2. Run npm install in the project's home directory to get dependencies for the front-end components.

SidewalkGallery$ npm install
  1. Run the following docker commands. This downloads the dependencies for the database and will start up the container with your database in it.
SidewalkGallery$ docker build -t "sidewalkgallery_db" .
SidewalkGallery$ docker start postgis
SidewalkGallery$ sudo docker run --name "postgis" -p 25432:5432 -d -t "sidewalkgallery_db"
  1. Check that your container is running properly. Run docker ps. You should get something that looks like this:
Aileens-MacBook-Pro:~ aileen$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                     NAMES
<container id>      sidewalkgallery_db   "/bin/sh -c /docker-…"   5 months ago        Up 4 weeks>5432/tcp   postgis
  1. Open up an interactive docker terminal with this docker command.
SidewalkGallery$ docker exec -it "postgis" bin/bash
  1. Create the gallery database.
createdb gallery -T template0 -U docker -h localhost

  1. Run the following commands to import the Sidewalk database:
root@: $ su - postgres
postgres@: $ psql
postgres=# \du
postgres=# CREATE ROLE sidewalk_seattle SUPERUSER LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'anything';
postgres=# exit
root@: createdb gallery -T template0 -U docker -h localhost
root@: pg_restore -d sidewalk-seattle db/sidewalk-seattle-dump -U docker -h localhost

This restores the Sidewalk Seattle database. You won't be working with this database directly, but you will want to copy over some tables into the gallery database.

  1. Copy tables from the Sidewalk database into the gallery database.
postgres@: pg_dump -t sidewalk.label_type sidewalk-seattle | psql gallery;
postgres@: pg_dump -t sidewalk.tag sidewalk-seattle | psql gallery;
postgres@: pg_dump -t sidewalk.validation_options sidewalk-seattle | psql gallery;
postgres@: pg_dump -t sidewalk.label sidewalk-seattle | psql gallery;
postgres@: pg_dump -t sidewalk.label_description sidewalk-seattle | psql gallery;
postgres@: pg_dump -t sidewalk.label_point sidewalk-seattle | psql gallery;
postgres@: pg_dump -t sidewalk.label_severity sidewalk-seattle | psql gallery;
  1. Exit the interactive terminals. You'll need to type exit twice. (The first time is to get out of psql, the second time is to get out of docker).

  2. Run sbt run. This command will take a while to run originally because it needs to download several Scala dependencies. In the future, this is the only command that you will need to run.

Running the Project

The front-end just requires us to run Scala. Everything in the app, conf and ui` directories will automatically be updated upon the next reload. This command should be run in the home directory of the project.

SidewalkGallery$ sbt run

Useful Database commands

To run the interactive terminal:

docker exec -it "postgis" bin/bash

To create an empty database

createdb gallery -T template0 -U docker -h localhost

To use the interactive psql command line tool for sidewalk gallery:

psql -h localhost -U docker -p 5432 [database name here]

Known errors

Adding the Postgis extension to gallery database

Sometimes there will be an error that looks like this:

ERROR:  type "public.geometry" does not exist
LINE 17:     geom public.geometry

This means that the postgis extension hasn't been enabled. These are the commands that you can run to create the extensions.

aileenz $ docker exec -it postgis /bin/bash
root@: $ su - postgres
postgres@:~$ psql -h localhost -U docker gallery         
Password for user docker: 
psql (11.6 (Debian 11.6-1.pgdg100+1))
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.

gallery=# \dx
                 List of installed extensions
  Name   | Version |   Schema   |         Description          
 plpgsql | 1.0     | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
(1 row)

gallery=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis; 


A gallery for Project Sidewalk







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