I haven't fully decided on the name yet.
So, what is this? Well, this is my little project that I do in my free time. It's a third person Roguelike game inspired by Thaumcraft and souls. By that I mean the so called spirit inside our bodies, not the game genre.
The game will basically be about going around a dungeon, looting and trying to gear up and a lot of fighting. There might be a story to the game but hey, first I want to make something that at least partically represents a game.
You are a lesser demon of the in-game cult "Cult of the Blaze" which, as the name suggests, is centered around pyromancy/arsonism/fire. The greater demons deemed you as not worthy in the "Demon Realm" and exiled you into the living world and making you mortal in the process. In reality the reason they exiled is different, but nobody wants to say the real reason. Now in the mortal realm you need to proof yourself to the cult and show that you are worth to enter the "Demon Realm" once again. You can achieve this by sacrificing heads of your foes found in the dungeons of Pargenyl.