A developer from India, living in Germany
- Handling the chaos in distributed systems @TU Dresden
- Building side projects during nights & weekends to make fuck you money
- Full Stack Developer previously @Musixverse and @Autify Network
- 7x Hackathon Winner 🏆
- Chainlink Developer Expert, Polygon Developer Advocate, Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador, Postman Student Expert, WazirX Warrior
- Currently working in the domain of Distributed Systems, Cloud Computing, Web3 and Blockchain dApp Development
- Maintainer of MrktDB, which is a website that provides analysed stock market data related to US based HedgeFunds
- Looking to collaborate on Web Development projects
- Ask me about Cloud Systems, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Solidity, Python, Next.js, React, Tailwind
- Fun fact: I play sports like Badminton, Foosball, Football, and Table Tennis. I also watch a lot of movies & web series
Note : Most used languages do not indicate my skill level in them, it's a GitHub metric of which languages do I have the most code on GitHub