Example for creating CMIF from existing collection by means of XQuery.
The CMIF schema is used for correspondence metadata, maintained at https://github.com/TEI-Correspondence-SIG/CMIF in a subset of the https://tei-c.org Guidelines. The original purpose of CMIF is to exchange metadata e.g. for aggregation and search purposes such as https://correspsearch.net.
has been quickly put together during the 2022 TEI Conference https://conferences.ncl.ac.uk/tei2022 Correspondence SIG to extract correspAction elements and their origins from the QhoD project available at http://qhod.net. Some postprocessing may be necessary to achieve conformity with the schema. -
is the manually redacted result of applying the above XQuery to the letterlike material available through https://qhod.net at the time (2022-09-14).
https://encoding-correspondence.bbaw.de has resources on usage of CMIF and encoding correspondence in general.
https://correspsearch.net/api/v2.0/services/check/index.xql?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/QHOD/qhodCMIFxquery/main/QhoDCMIF.xml they also provide a checking tool.
https://github.com/csae8092/cmifun provides visualisations that may be helpful for checking data integrity.