This tool helps voice developers build vocabularies for their applications by providing import and export of various NLU training data formats, and a searchable database of community submitted, open licensed skills.
- Search for open licenced training data submitted by the community
- Import training data from text files, RASA , JOVO (Alexa, Google), Mycroft and native JSON.
- Edit training data and tag entities in intent examples
- Filtering, tagging, multiple selection and bulk operations to quickly collect training data into an exportable skill
- Virtual rendering with react-window is used to allow fast rendering of lists of intents and entities with many thousands of values
- Export training data suitable for RASA, JOVO and Mycroft
- Publish your skill to the community repository under an open source license
- This tool is a Progressive Web Application. Most features work without the Internet.
- MIT Open Source licensed code at Github
- Cross platform nodejs server
- Published skills are committed to Github to ensure long term availability of collected data.
- To ensure ongoing availability, the web pages are hosted with github pages and the search interface relies on static data generated during publishing so a database/backend server is only required when publishing)
- When the Internet is available, this site uses Google Analytics to measure engagement and improve future versions.
Upload source documents
Annote entities in intents
Manage entity lists
Utterances and alternatives
Regular Expressions
Combine in all into a skill
Publish your skill
Search for skills in the community repository
- sample regexps check format - not working local JS
- merge avoid dups
audio input
- hotword picvoice /face recognise -
- google asr
public chat -= analytics
youtube play muted
slot featurization
predict use history slice ?
mix entities - duplicate intents
server side actions (select option python/js/node_=> export RASA
actions/apis as tabs (remove multiselect ?)
face id
export RASA2 from stories/rules
- pending
- wait for user input
- entity roles and groups
- checkpoints and OR
- response with custom section including video/frame/...
- pending
ace editor fullscreen
image -add width, (Def 100%) link, description
- wikipedia
- hassio
- jamendo
- musicbrainz
- ala animals
- gmail/calendar
- gdocs
apis have packages => window scope ?
restrict form to two sequential tries of same slot before dropout
goals - finish goal -> end conversation
sizE limit on embedded response files
external tts
external nlu (+ service using nlp.js)
external core routing (+ service using nlp.js)
interactive learning
- alexa endpoint/serverless
- hermod
- linux/pi
- rasa
import/export nlp.js
auto remove duplicate tags on save
- opennlu format
- actions and apis - available vars in scope
- default actions
- stories and rules
log nlu and stories
form as action ?
OR in stories
form tagall/deleteAll
autotrain on changed
rules/stories/forms tab with form select override finished action -> dialogman run form
skill settings - invocation, description
api help text per function
chromecast chat client
- skill entities editor sometimes no show placeholder text so invisible for selection of entity lists
"words-to-numbers": "^1.5.1", "youtube-api-search": "0.0.5" "chatui": "file:../chatui", "js-chess-engine": "^0.5.1",