A UI to generate sample data for the Quarantine Help app.
Install pyenv and its virtualenv manager using
$ brew install pyenv $ brew install pyenv-virtualenv $ pyenv install 3.7.5 $ eval "$(pyenv init -)" sample-data-generator/$ pyenv virtualenv 3.7.5 env-3.7.5
This will create a pyenv-virtualenv for you and probably place it on your
. You can activate that manually usingsample-data-generator/$ source ~/.pyenv/versions/env-3.7.5/bin/activate
or even better:
sample-data-generator/$ pyenv activate env-3.7.5
or, there are better ways to do this if you follow Pyenv:Docs
Now you are in the right environment, install dependencies using:
(env-3.7.5) sample-data-generator/$ pip install -r requirements.txt
usingbrew install postgis
. You can create a database and set the user roles using the following commands:CREATE DATABASE data_gen_db; CREATE USER data_gen_user WITH PASSWORD 'ABCD123<changeThis>'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE data_gen_db TO data_gen_user; ALTER ROLE data_gen_user SET timezone TO 'UTC'; ALTER ROLE data_gen_user SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed'; ALTER ROLE data_gen_user SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
We use
hooks to format code. See that you install it using https://pre-commit.com/. Later, install our pre-commit hooks using(env-3.7.5) sample-data-generator/$ pre-commit install
There are some
you need to have as part of running the server. You can copy a template using:(env-3.7.5) sample-data-generator/$ cp sample_data_generator/local_settings_sample.py sample_data_generator/local_settings.py
You need to modify the values there to use the applicaiton in full.
Run the Django standard runserver steps:
(env-3.7.5) sample-data-generator/$ python manage.py migrate (env-3.7.5) sample-data-generator/$ python manage.py collectstatic (env-3.7.5) sample-data-generator/$ python manage.py runserver
or even better, run it from pyCharm using your debugger.
Create a superuser and add some initial data to the database.
(env-3.7.5) sample-data-generator/$ python manage.py createsuperuser
Now you have the app locally running!