A place to draft the answers for the tetris PPCG challenge
Here's the overall plan: we are going to split the content across multiple answers, structured like one large multi-part answer. We will organize the contents so that each anwerer gets the opportunity to talk more-or-less about the parts of the project that they were most involved in. We will decide a presentation order and then post our answers in that order so that they remain in order when sorted by oldest.
- PhiNotPi (probably CW)
- Overview
- The tetris game
- El'endia Starman
- Some basic metapixel stuff
- Varlife
- Simple logic gates and wires
- K Zhang
- computer hardware (multiplexor, RAM, ROM, etc.)
- PhiNotPi
- Cogol
- Muddyfish
- new language and compiler
- ? kritixi lithos
- more new language stuff
- Mego
- Conversion to GoL
- More metapixel stuff
- Future directions
- ? quartata
From this list we need to develop an ordering that allows us to divide the material between different users. It is okay if one topic gets split between adjacent answers.
- Previous related works (see: wireworld computer)
- Metapixels, varlife
- Wires, logic gates, simple structures, etc.
- Processor architecture, QFTASM and its interpreter
- Complex logic circuits, including everything up to the computer hardware
- Cogol and its compiler
- The newer QFT language and its compiler
- The Tetris program itself
- The generation of the final GoL file, all the way from the assembly to the ROM and from VarLife to GoL
- Future directions
- LLVM backend (Quartata will probably post an answer on this sometime afterwards when it is complete)