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aws-terraform-cloud-q Latest Release Test Workflow Status

Comprehensive Terraform to deploy a Qumulo cluster with 4 to 20 instances per the AWS Well Architected Framework. Supports usable capacities from 1TB to 6PB with all Qumulo Core features.

AWS Requirements

This Terraform deploys Qumulo AMIs with Qumulo Core Cloud Software version >=

A subscription to a Qumulo offer in AWS Marketplace is required. For private offers via the AWS Marketplace contact Qumulo Sales.

Planning the Deployment

Reference Architecture: Ref Arch

For help planning the deployment see the table of documents below.

Documentation Description
DNS options in AWS: IP failover & client distribution Details on the DNS options in AWS.
Terraform: Supported AWS Regions Details on supported AWS Regions for Cloud Q with Terraform.
Terraform: Deploying in a VPC with no outbound internet access Details on deploying with Terraform into a VPC that has no outbound internet access.
Terraform: Deploying using an AWS Custom IAM role Details on deploying with Terraform using a custom IAM role.
Terraform: AWS resources & EBS Service Quota planning Details on service-quota planning for Amazon EBS, including EC2 instance types and EBS volume types.
Terraform: Qumulo sizing & performance on AWS Details on Qumulo cluster performance and scalability on AWS.
Terraform: Qumulo distributed multi-AZ deployment on AWS Details on deploying a distributed multi-AZ cluster on AWS.

Deploying with Terraform

Deployment Considerations

IMPORTANT: When pinning or cloning this repository specify the tagged release version because there may be breaking changes between releases. If you want the latest, reference 'main' realizing there may be breaking changes for your deployment.

Terraform Naming Guidance

There are a multitude of Terraform workflows from those that just use a default local workspace to those using Terraform Cloud with remote state. The very first variable in the example files provided is deployment_name. Some users may choose to make this the workspace name. Other users may want the same deployment name in multiple workspaces. Regardless, a deployment_unique_name is generated that consists of the deployment name appended with an 11 digit random alphanumeric. All resources are tagged with the deployment_unique_name. The deployment_unique_name will never change on subsequent Terraform applies. All subsequent changes to deployment_name are ingored. No matter your naming convention or how you choose to use Terraform, you will have your chosen name and uniquely named resources so no conflicts occur between NLBs, resource groups, cross-regional CloudWatch views, etc.

IMPORTANT: If you are spinning up multiple clusters, define unique values for the q_cluster_name variable. If using the optional Route53 PHZ, also define a unique value for q_fqdn_name for each cluster.

Inputs Comparison

Select between the minimalist examples/ or the fully featured examples/ The file terraform.tfvars is a copy of the input values from examples/ in this repository. These files all have extensive comments providing guidance on each variable. The standard version makes many decisions for you to simplify the input process and deploy a Qumulo cluster with the software version of the Qumulo AMI. The advanced version provides the flexibility that most production environments will require, as seen in the table below.

examples/ examples/
Deploy in a Local Zone
Deploy on Outposts
Deploy with a Custom AMI-ID
Deploy a distributed multi-AZ cluster
Customize Qumulo Admin Password
Customize EC2 Instance Type
Customize EC2 Instance Count
Customize Termination Protection
Customize EBS gp3 IOPS/Throughput
Customize Qumulo Cluster Name
Customize Qumulo Software Version
Customize Qumulo Sidecar Deployment
Customize Qumulo # of Floating IPs
Optional: Add SNS Topics for EC2 & EBS Recovery
Optional: Add R53 PHZ DNS for Floating IPs
Optional: Add CIDRS to Qumulo Security Group
Optional: Add SG IDs to Qumulo Cluster
Optional: Deploy with an NLB
Optional: Add Qumulo Public Management
Optional: Add Qumulo Public Replication Port
Optional: Enable CloudWatch Audit Log Messages
Optional: Apply KMS CMK for EBS Encryption
Optional: Set IAM Permissions Boundary
Optional: Set Environment Type

Standard Deployment Example

module "qumulo_cloud_q" {
  source = "git::"

  # ****************************** Required *************************************************************
  # ***** Terraform Variables *****
  # deployment_name                   - Any <=32 character name for the deployment. Set on first apply.  Changes are ignored after that to prevent unintended resource destruction. 
  #                                   - All infrastructure will be tagged with the Deployment Name and a unique 11 digit alphanumeric suffix.
  deployment_name = "my-deployment-name"
  # ***** S3 Bucket Variables *****
  # s3_bucket_name                    - Preconfigured S3 Bucket to place provisioning instance files in
  # s3_bucket_prefix                  - Preconfigured S3 prefix, a folder. A subfolder with the deployment name is created under the supplied prefix
  # s3_bucket_region                  - Region the S3 bucket is preconfigured in
  s3_bucket_name   = "my-bucket"
  s3_bucket_prefix = "my-prefix/"
  s3_bucket_region = "us-west-2"
  # ***** AWS Variables *****
  # aws_region                        - Region for the deployment of the cluster
  # aws_vpc_id                        - The VPC for the deployment within the provided region
  # ec2_keypair                       - EC2 key pair within the region
  # private_subnet_id                 - Private Subnet to deploy the cluster in
  # term_protection                   - true/false to enable termination protection for EC2 and/or nlb-qumulo .  This should be set to 'true' for production deployments.
  aws_region        = "us-west-2"
  aws_vpc_id        = "vpc-1234567890abcdefg"
  ec2_key_pair      = "my-keypair"
  private_subnet_id = "subnet-1234567890abcdefg"
  term_protection   = true
  # ***** Qumulo Cluster Variables *****
  # q_cluster_admin_password          - Minumum 8 characters and must include one each of: uppercase, lowercase, and a special character
  # q_instance_type                   - >= m5.2xlarge, >= m6i.2xlarge, or >= c5n.4xlarge. To use m5.xlarge set the optional variable dev_environment=true
  # q_marketplace_type                - The type of AWS Marketplace offer accepted.  Values are:
  #                                       1TB-Usable-All-Flash or 103TB-Usable-All-Flash
  #                                       12TB-Usable-Hybrid-st1, 96TB-Usable-Hybrid-st1, 270TB-Usable-Hybrid-st1, or 809TB-Usable-Hybrid-st1
  #                                       Custom-1TB-6PB or Specified-AMI-ID
  q_cluster_admin_password = "!MyPwd123"
  q_instance_type          = "m5.2xlarge"
  q_marketplace_type       = "1TB-Usable-All-Flash"
  # ***** Qumulo Sidecar Variables *****
  # q_sidecar_version                 - The software verison for the sidecar must match the cluster.  This variable can be used to update the sidecar software version post deployment.
  q_sidecar_version = "5.3.0"
  # ****************************** Marketplace Type Selection Dependencies ******************************
  # ***** Qumulo Cluster Config Options *****
  # q_disk_config                     - Specify the disk config only if using Marketplace types of 'Custom-' or 'Specified-AMI-ID'  Valid disk configs are:
  #                                       600GiB-AF, 1TB-AF, 5TB-AF, 8TiB-AF, 13TiB-AF, 20TiB-AF, 30TB-AF, 35TiB-AF, 55TiB-AF
  #                                       5TB-Hybrid-st1, 8TiB-Hybrid-st1, 13TiB-Hybrid-st1, 20TB-Hybrid-st1, 35TiB-Hybrid-st1, 55TiB-Hybrid-st1, 90TiB-Hybrid-st1, 160TiB-Hybrid-st1, 256TiB-Hybrid-st1, 320TiB-Hybrid-st1
  #                                       8TiB-Hybrid-sc1, 13TiB-Hybrid-sc1, 20TB-Hybrid-sc1, 35TiB-Hybrid-sc1, 55TiB-Hybrid-sc1, 90TiB-Hybrid-sc1, 160TiB-Hybrid-sc1, 256TiB-Hybrid-sc1, 320TiB-Hybrid-sc1
  # q_node_count                      - Total # of EC2 Instances in the cluster (4-20).  Specify if growing the cluster or using Marketplace types of 'Custom-' or 'Specified-AMI-ID'. 0 implies marketplace config lookup.
  q_disk_config = null
  q_node_count  = 0
  # ****************************** Optional **************************************************************
  # ***** Environment and Tag Options *****
  # tags                              - Additional tags to add to all created resources.  Often used for billing, departmental tracking, chargeback, etc.
  #                                     If you add an additional tag with the key 'Name' it will be ignored.  All infrastructure is tagged with the 'Name=deployment_unique_name'.
  #                                        Example: tags = { "key1" = "value1", "key2" = "value2" }
  tags = null

output "outputs_qumulo_cloud_q" {
  value = module.qumulo_cloud_q

Advanced Deployment Example

module "qumulo_cloud_q" {
  source = "git::"

  # ****************************** Required *************************************************************
  # ***** Terraform Variables *****
  # deployment_name                   - Any <=32 character name for the deployment. Set on first apply.  Changes are ignored after that to prevent unintended resource destruction. 
  #                                   - All infrastructure will be tagged with the Deployment Name and a unique 11 digit alphanumeric suffix.
  deployment_name = "my-deployment-name"
  # ***** S3 Bucket Variables *****
  # s3_bucket_name                    - Preconfigured S3 Bucket to place provisioning instance files in
  # s3_bucket_prefix                  - Preconfigured S3 prefix, a folder. A subfolder with the deployment name is created under the supplied prefix
  # s3_bucket_region                  - Region the S3 bucket is preconfigured in
  s3_bucket_name   = "my-bucket"
  s3_bucket_prefix = "my-prefix/"
  s3_bucket_region = "us-west-2"
  # ***** AWS Variables *****
  # aws_region                        - Region for the deployment of the cluster
  # aws_vpc_id                        - The VPC for the deployment within the provided region
  # ec2_keypair                       - EC2 key pair within the region
  # private_subnet_id                 - Private Subnet to deploy the cluster in, or a comma delimited list with four subnets if deploying a multi-AZ distributed cluster
  #                                       Note: Distributed multi-AZ deployments are only supported in regions with at least 4 AZs: us-west-2, us-east-1, and ap-northeast-2.
  # term_protection                   - true/false to enable termination protection for EC2 and/or nlb-qumulo .  This should be set to 'true' for production deployments.
  aws_region        = "us-west-2"
  aws_vpc_id        = "vpc-1234567890abcdefg"
  ec2_key_pair      = "my-keypair"
  private_subnet_id = "subnet-1234567890abcdefg"
  term_protection   = true
  # ***** Qumulo Cluster Variables *****
  # q_cluster_admin_password          - Minumum 8 characters and must include one each of: uppercase, lowercase, and a special character
  # q_cluster_name                    - Name must be an alpha-numeric string between 2 and 15 characters. Dash (-) is allowed if not the first or last character. Must be unique per cluster.
  # q_cluster_version                 - Software version for creation >=  This variable MAY NOT BE USED to update the cluster software after creation.  Use the Qumulo UI instead.
  # q_instance_type                   - >= m5.2xlarge, >= m6i.2xlarge, or >= c5n.4xlarge. To use m5.xlarge set the optional variable dev_environment=true
  # q_marketplace_type                - The type of AWS Marketplace offer accepted.  Values are:
  #                                       1TB-Usable-All-Flash or 103TB-Usable-All-Flash
  #                                       12TB-Usable-Hybrid-st1, 96TB-Usable-Hybrid-st1, 270TB-Usable-Hybrid-st1, or 809TB-Usable-Hybrid-st1
  #                                       Custom-1TB-6PB or Specified-AMI-ID
  q_cluster_admin_password = "!MyPwd123"
  q_cluster_name           = "Cloud-Q"
  q_cluster_version        = "6.1.0"
  q_instance_type          = "m5.2xlarge"
  q_marketplace_type       = "1TB-Usable-All-Flash"
  # ***** Qumulo Sidecar Variables *****
  # q_local_zone_or_outposts          - true if deploying the cluster in a local zone or on Outposts.
  # q_sidecar_private_subnet_id       - Subnet in the Parent Region for the Sidecar Lambdas if deploying in a local zone or on Outposts.  
  # q_sidecar_provision               - true to deploy the Sidecar Lambdas.  
  # q_sidecar_version                 - The software verison for the sidecar must match the cluster.  This variable can be used to update the sidecar software version post deployment.
  q_local_zone_or_outposts    = false
  q_sidecar_private_subnet_id = null
  q_sidecar_provision         = true
  q_sidecar_version           = "6.1.0"
  # ****************************** Marketplace Type Selection Dependencies ******************************
  # ***** Qumulo Cluster Config Options *****
  # q_ami_id                          - This ami-id is only used if 'q_marketplace_type' is set to 'Specified-AMI-ID' above
  # q_disk_config                     - Specify the disk config only if using Marketplace types of 'Custom-' or 'Specified-AMI-ID'  Valid disk configs are:
  #                                       600GiB-AF, 1TB-AF, 5TB-AF, 8TiB-AF, 13TiB-AF, 20TiB-AF, 30TB-AF, 35TiB-AF, 55TiB-AF
  #                                       5TB-Hybrid-st1, 8TiB-Hybrid-st1, 13TiB-Hybrid-st1, 20TB-Hybrid-st1, 35TiB-Hybrid-st1, 55TiB-Hybrid-st1, 90TiB-Hybrid-st1, 160TiB-Hybrid-st1, 256TiB-Hybrid-st1, 320TiB-Hybrid-st1
  #                                       8TiB-Hybrid-sc1, 13TiB-Hybrid-sc1, 20TB-Hybrid-sc1, 35TiB-Hybrid-sc1, 55TiB-Hybrid-sc1, 90TiB-Hybrid-sc1, 160TiB-Hybrid-sc1, 256TiB-Hybrid-sc1, 320TiB-Hybrid-sc1
  # q_flash_type                      - Specify gp2 or gp3.  Default is gp3.  
  # q_flash_tput                      - Specify gp3 throughput in MB/s 125 to 1000. Default is 250.  Not applicable to gp2.
  # q_flash_iops                      - Specify gp3 iops between 3000 to 16000.  Default is 3000.  Not applicable to gp2.
  # q_node_count                      - Single AZ only & ignored for multi-AZ.  Total # of EC2 Instances in the cluster (4-20).  Specify if growing the cluster or using Marketplace types of 'Custom-' or 'Specified-AMI-ID'. 0 implies marketplace config lookup.
  # q_nodes_per_az                    - Multi AZ only & ignored for single AZ.  Must be specified for distributed multi-AZ deployments with 1, 2, or 3.
  q_ami_id       = null
  q_disk_config  = null
  q_flash_type   = "gp3"
  q_flash_tput   = 250
  q_flash_iops   = 3000
  q_node_count   = 0
  q_nodes_per_az = 0
  # ****************************** Optional **************************************************************
  # ***** Environment and Tag Options *****
  # check_provisioner_shutdown        - Default is true.  Launches a local-exec script on the Terraform machine to validate the completion of secondary provisioning of the cluster.
  # dev_environment                   - Set to true to enable the use of m5.xlarge instance types.  NOT recommended for production.
  # tags                              - Additional tags to add to all created resources.  Often used for billing, departmental tracking, chargeback, etc.
  #                                     If you add an additional tag with the key 'Name' it will be ignored.  All infrastructure is tagged with the 'Name=deployment_unique_name'.
  #                                        Example: tags = { "key1" = "value1", "key2" = "value2" }
  check_provisioner_shutdown = true
  dev_environment            = false
  tags                       = null
  # ***** Qumulo Cluster Misc Options *****
  # kms_key_id                        - Specify a KMS Customer Managed Key ID for EBS Volume Encryption. Otherwise an AWS default EBS KMS key will be used.
  # q_audit_logging                   - Set true to enable audit logging to CloudWatch logs
  # q_cluster_additional_sg_cidrs     - Comma delimited list of CIDRS to add to the Qumulo Cluster security group.,, etc
  # q_cluster_additional_sg_ids       - Comma delimited list of optional security group Ids to add to the Qumulo Cluster. sg-0123456789abcdefg, sg-abcdefg0123456789, etc
  # q_floating_ips_per_node           - An integer value from 1 to 4 for IP failover protection and client distribution with DNS. Set to 0 if deploying nlb-qumulo module.
  # q_permissions_boundary            - Apply an IAM permission boundary policy to all created IAM roles. Policy Name not ARN.
  kms_key_id                    = null
  q_audit_logging               = false
  q_cluster_additional_sg_cidrs = null
  q_cluster_additional_sg_ids   = null
  q_floating_ips_per_node       = 3
  q_permissions_boundary        = null
  # ***** OPTIONAL SNS Options *****
  # q_instance_recovery_topic         - Specify the SNS arn to notify during instance recovery events
  # q_sidecar_ebs_replacement_topic   - Specify the SNS arn to notify when sidecar replaces a failed EBS volume
  q_instance_recovery_topic       = null
  q_sidecar_ebs_replacement_topic = null
  # ***** OPTIONAL module 'rout53-phz' *****
  # q_fqdn_name                       - Specify an FQDN like companyname.local, for example
  # q_record_name                     - The Record Name prefix should be specified if you plan to mix other records in the PHZ
  # q_route53_provision               - true/false to provision the Route 53 Private Hosted Zone
  q_fqdn_name         = "my-dns-name.local"
  q_record_name       = "qumulo"
  q_route53_provision = false
  # ***** OPTIONAL module 'nlb-qumulo' *****
  # ----- Disables any R53 provisioning, disables floating IPs, used for multi-AZ deployments or single AZ deployments that require PrivateLink
  # q_nlb_cross_zone                  - true/false to enable cross AZ load balancing.  Only relevant for multi-AZ deployments.
  # q_nlb_override_subnet_id          - Default = null.  If q_nlb_provision = true, the NLB will be deployed in the same subnet(s) as the cluster.
  #                                       To override enter a Private Subnet to deploy the NLB in, or a comma delimited list with four subnets if deploying a multi-AZ distributed cluster
  #                                       Note: Distributed multi-AZ deployments are only supported in regions with at least 4 AZs: us-west-2, us-east-1, and ap-northeast-2.
  # q_nlb_provision                   - true/false to enable deployment of the NLB.  If the qconfig module senses multi-AZ it will deploy the NLB in the same subnets as the cluster
  # q_nlb_stickiness                  - true/false to enable sticky sessions
  q_nlb_cross_zone         = false
  q_nlb_override_subnet_id = null
  q_nlb_provision          = false
  q_nlb_stickiness         = true
  # ***** OPTIONAL module 'nlb-management' *****
  # ----- Deploys an NLB in a public subnet for public management reachability.  Test environments only.  Not for production.
  # public_subnet_id                  - AWS public subnet ID(s), one for single AZ, 4 or more for multi-AZ as a comma delimited string
  # q_public_mgmt_provision           - true/false to enable deployment of the management NLB
  # q_public_replication_provision    - true/false to enable Qumulo replication port
  public_subnet_id               = null
  q_public_mgmt_provision        = false
  q_public_replication_provision = true

output "outputs_qumulo_cloud_q" {
  value = module.qumulo_cloud_q


If you're using Qumulo Core version 4.3.0 or newer, you can populate data on your Qumulo cluster by copying data from an Amazon S3 bucket using Qumulo Shift for Amazon S3.

For more information on Qumulo SHIFT, custom CloudWatch Dashboards, adding nodes, the provisioning instance, and destroying the cluster see the documents in the table below.

Documentation Description
Qumulo SHIFT: Copy from Amazon S3 Copy data from S3 with the Qumulo GUI/CLI/API.
Qumulo SHIFT: Copy to Amazon S3 Copy data to S3 with the Qumulo GUI/CLI/API.
Terraform: Using the Custom CloudWatch Dashboard Details on viewing the CloudWatch dashboard and resource groups that are created for the Qumulo cluster.
Terraform: Using Qumulo EC2 & EBS type change scripts Details on how to change EC2 instance types and EBS volume types in production.
Terraform: Supported Updates Details on Terraform update options and examples, including adding instances (nodes) to the cluster and upgrading the Qumulo Sidecar.
Terraform: Provisioning Instance Functions Details on the functions of the provisioner instance.
Terraform: Destroying the Cluster Details on backing up data, termination protection, and on cleaning up an AWS KMS customer managed key policy.

Terraform Documentation

This repo is self documenting via Terraform-Docs.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.1.2
aws ~> 3.7
null ~> 3.1
random ~> 3.1


Name Description Type Default Required
aws_region AWS region string n/a yes
aws_vpc_id AWS VPC identifier string n/a yes
check_provisioner_shutdown Executes a local-exec script on the Terraform machine to check if the provisioner instance shutdown which indicates a successful cluster deployment. bool true no
deployment_name Name for this Terraform deployment. This name plus 11 random hex digits will be used for all resource names where appropriate. string n/a yes
dev_environment Enables the use of m5.xlarge instance type. NOT recommended for production and overridden when not a development environment. bool false no
ec2_key_pair AWS EC2 key pair string n/a yes
kms_key_id OPTIONAL: AWS KMS encryption key identifier string null no
private_subnet_id AWS private subnet identifier string n/a yes
public_subnet_id OPTIONAL: Public Subnet ID for management NLB. string null no
q_ami_id OPTIONAL: Qumulo AMI-ID string null no
q_audit_logging OPTIONAL: Configure a CloudWatch Log group to store Audit logs from Qumulo bool false no
q_cluster_additional_sg_cidrs OPTIONAL: AWS additional security group CIDRs for the Qumulo cluster string null no
q_cluster_additional_sg_ids OPTIONAL: AWS additional security groups IDs for the Qumulo cluster string null no
q_cluster_admin_password Qumulo cluster admin password string n/a yes
q_cluster_name Qumulo cluster name string "Cloud-Q" no
q_cluster_version Qumulo cluster software version string "5.3.0" no
q_disk_config OPTIONAL: Qumulo disk config string null no
q_flash_iops OPTIONAL: Specify the iops for gp3 number 3000 no
q_flash_tput OPTIONAL: Specify the throughput, in MB/s, for gp3 number 250 no
q_flash_type OPTIONAL: Specify the type of EBS flash string "gp3" no
q_floating_ips_per_node Qumulo floating IP addresses per node number 3 no
q_fqdn_name OPTIONAL: The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for Route 53 Private Hosted Zone string null no
q_instance_recovery_topic OPTIONAL: AWS SNS topic for Qumulo instance recovery string null no
q_instance_type Qumulo EC2 instance type string "m5.2xlarge" no
q_local_zone_or_outposts Is the Qumulo cluster being deployed in a local zone or on Outposts? bool false no
q_marketplace_type Qumulo AWS marketplace type string n/a yes
q_nlb_cross_zone OPTIONAL: AWS NLB Enable cross-AZ load balancing bool false no
q_nlb_internal OPTIONAL: Makes the NLB for the cluster internal, setting this to false will allow anyone to reach the cluster. Will only work in a dev environment. bool true no
q_nlb_override_subnet_id OPTIONAL: Private Subnet ID for NLB if deploying in subnet(s) other than subnet(s) the cluster is deployed in string null no
q_nlb_provision OPTIONAL: Provision an AWS NLB in front of the Qumulo cluster for load balancing and client failover bool false no
q_nlb_stickiness OPTIONAL: AWS NLB sticky sessions bool true no
q_node_count Single AZ Qumulo cluster - node count number 0 no
q_nodes_per_az Multi-AZ Qumulo cluster - nodes per AZ. number 0 no
q_permissions_boundary OPTIONAL: Apply an IAM Permissions Boundary Policy to the Qumulo IAM roles that are created for the Qumulo cluster and provisioning instance. This is an account based policy and is optional. Qumulo's IAM roles conform to the least privilege model. string null no
q_public_mgmt_provision OPTIONAL: Provision an AWS NLB in front of the Qumulo cluster for a public managment interface. Not for production, test environments only. bool false no
q_public_replication_provision OPTIONAL: Enable port 3712 for replication from on-prem Qumulo systems using the public IP of the NLB for Qumulo Managment. Requires q_public_management_provision=true above. bool false no
q_record_name OPTIONAL: The record name for the Route 53 Private Hosted Zone. This will add a prefix to the q_fqdn_name above string null no
q_route53_provision OPTIONAL: Configure Route 53 DNS for Floating IPs. bool false no
q_sidecar_ebs_replacement_topic AWS SNS topic for Qumulo Sidecar replacement of a failed EBS volume. string null no
q_sidecar_private_subnet_id OPTIONAL: Private Subnet ID for Sidecar Lambdas if the cluster is being deployed in a local zone or on Outpost string null no
q_sidecar_provision Provision Qumulo Sidecar bool true no
q_sidecar_user_name Qumulo Sidecar username string "SideCarUser" no
q_sidecar_version Qumulo Sidecar software version string "5.3.0" no
s3_bucket_name AWS S3 bucket name string n/a yes
s3_bucket_prefix AWS S3 bucket prefix (path). Include a trailing slash (/) string n/a yes
s3_bucket_region AWS region the S3 bucket is hosted in string n/a yes
tags OPTIONAL: Additional global tags map(string) null no
term_protection Enable Termination Protection bool true no


Name Description
deployment_unique_name The unique name for this deployment.
qumulo_cluster_provisioned If the qprovisioner module completed secondary provisioning of the cluster = Success/Failure
qumulo_floating_ips Qumulo floating IPs for IP failover & load distribution. If using an alternate source for DNS, use these IPs for the A-records.
qumulo_knowledge_base Qumulo knowledge base
qumulo_nlb_dns The DNS name of the NLB, if provisioned
qumulo_private_NFS Private NFS path for the Qumulo cluster
qumulo_private_SMB Private SMB UNC path for the Qumulo cluster
qumulo_private_url Private URL for the Qumulo cluster
qumulo_private_url_node1 Link to private IP for Qumulo Cluster - Node 1
qumulo_public_url Link to public IP for Qumulo Cluster


Please post all feedback via the AWS GitHub repository feedback link.

Note: This project is provided as a public service to the AWS/Terraform community and is not directly supported by Qumulo's paid enterprise support. It is intended to be used by expert users only.


Copyright © 2022 Qumulo, Inc.



See LICENSE for full details


All other trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners.
