What's Changed
- Fixed bug which caused isofiltr to fail is some subsection of input has no isotope pairs by @hechth in #43
- function to find top 10 recalibrant series by @KristinaGomoryova in #44
- un-commented and fixed test case by @hechth in #50
- Recal: Fixing the Recal function bug by @KristinaGomoryova in #56
- Functions from FindRecalSeries.R exported by @KristinaGomoryova in #51
- Recal: fix an error when isopeaks=="none" by @KristinaGomoryova in #57
- RecalList updated to replace spaces by dots in colnames in output by @KristinaGomoryova in #58
Full Changelog: v1.0.3...v1.0.4