MIOpen v2.2.0
- This release contains bug fixes, performance improvements, and expanded applicability for specific convolutional algorithms.
- MIOpen has posted a citable paper on ArXiv here.
- An SQLite database has been added to replace the text-based performance database. While the text file still exists, by default SQLite is used over the text-based performance database; see documentation from more details.
- Added per solution algorithm filtering environmental variable for debugging
- Added SQLite3 database and build dependency. The text-based performance database support is deprecated and will be removed in the next release.
- Added citation page to documentation pointing to MIOpen's paper
- Added to the overall documentation
- Fixed fusion compilation check issue
- Fixed fusion group convolution warning
- Improved performance of forward pooling
- Improved performance of convolutions
- Improved performance of spatial training batch normalization for some large batch size input configurations
- Improved applicability of implicit GEMM convolution algorithm
- Improved performance of calls to miopenConvolutionXXXGetWorkSpaceSize() functions
- Improved conformance to code object version 3
- Disabled SCGEMM convolution algorithm by default; this algorithm is deprecated and will be removed in future releases
- Changed "hip_hcc" to "hip-hcc" for the MIOpen package requirements in CMakeLists.txt