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RSE Administration Tool

This is a tool for tracking grant applications, managing RSE commitment and reporting on staff expenses and cost recovery.

The tool is a web app written using the Django web framework (Python) and the AdminLTE theme.

This readme covers installation, getting started and access to the demo site. Please refer to the User Guide documentation for a description of features.

Demo site

A live version of the tool is available online at:

You can log in as either an RSE user (username of user[0-9] with password 12345) or as an admin (username of rseadmin with password demosite).

The site is populated with random demo data which is reset at midnight every night.


For any new code you should create a new branch from the dev branch and create a pull request to merge into it. The main branch will be the default branch for deployment and should only have pull requests from the dev branch. Only stable changes can merge into the main branch.

graph LR

fb1[feat/new-shiny-feature] --PR--> dev
fixb1[fix/project-problem] --PR--> dev
fb2[feat/another-feature] --PR--> dev
dev --PR, merge if tested and stable--> main
dev --deploy--> ds[DEV server]
main --deploy--> ps[PROD server]

Development using docker containers

You'll need to install Docker, this can be done by either install Docker Desktop, or just the Docker Engine.

Use the following command to build images:

docker compose build --pull

Run containers:

docker compose up -d

Setup Postgres database using the script:

docker-compose exec --user postgres db sh /tmp/

This script will create a user django with password django_postgres with an associated database called django.

You can also setup the database manually using the following commands:

# Create the user, you'll need to enter the password
docker-compose exec --user postgres db createuser --pwprompt django

And create their database:

docker-compose exec --user postgres db createdb --owner=django django

Then use the commands from the next section to build the database, collect static files, create an admin user etc. For example:

docker compose exec app poetry run python migrate

You do not need to run the command for running the server, as it will be handled via the commands in the container image and in the docker-compose file.

Development install using Poetry

To develop or test the site locally Poetry is used for dependency management. The ideal is that Poetry is simpler than using conda and avoids manually creating a virtualenv. To configure Poetry;

  1. Ensure you have Python >= 3.6 installed
  2. Install Poetry, a tool for Python project management - see notes on how to install
  3. Clone this repo
  4. From the repo directory call poetry install to install project dependencies in an isolated hidden virtualenv Dependencies are determined using info from pyproject.toml

Building the database

For a new clone of the site you must apply the database migrations and apply them by running the following command:

poetry run python migrate

This will create the database and apply and migrations (changes to the database structure tracked via git). The above can also be used on an existing database to update after a pulling any changes.

Collect any static files

Static files must be collected before running the development server by running the following command:

poetry run python collectstatic

This will gather any static (images, javascript, css, etc.) files from the various applications used by RSEAdmin into a single static-root directory.

Populating your development database with test data

The following process cab be used to generate data for experimenting with the system during development. If you would prefer to start with an empty database then you can omit this stage.

poetry run python shell
from rse.tests.test_random_data import *

This will populate your development/production database with test data. To reset the database delete the db.sqlite3 file and rebuild it by calling the 'migrate' command.

Creating an Admin user

To log into the admin interface (which allows the creation of other Admin and RSE users) you need an admin (superuser) account. You can create one as follows:

poetry run python createsuperuser

Starting a development Django server and Navigating the Site

poetry run python runserver 8080

The website will then be viewable at

All pages of the site require logging in. You can use your super user account or if you have generated some random data you can use the RSE users user0-user10 with the password '12345'.

The site has a self explanatory navigation menu which varies depending on the permissions of the user.


The site uses continuous integration. You can run all tests locally as follows. This requires the installation of which must be available on your $PATH:

poetry run python test

Note: The testing is mainly around model and ensuring that templates render without errors or permission problems. Forms and Views are not currently unit tested.

Individual test modules can be applied as follows (where test_models and test_random_data are both model tests);

poetry run python test rse.tests.test_models
poetry run python test rse.tests.test_random_data
poetry run python test rse.tests.test_templates

Individual test cases can also be run in isolation. I.e.

poetry run python test rse.tests.test_models.SalaryCalculationTests

Deployment to PythonAnywhere

By default the RSEAdmin tool will use the development settings (located in RSEAdmin/settings/ For production there are various development settings which are not ideal (i.e. a public secret key, debug mode, choice of database). A settings file RSEAdmin/settings/ is provided for the Python Anywhere who provide a free tier of hosting for Django sites.

To deploy on Python Anywhere create a new web app (from the Web tab) using a manual configuration.

From the Databases tab create a new database and make a note of the database name, username and password.

From the Dashboard tab select Browse Files and create a new file RSEAdmin\settings\secrets.json. Inside this file set: SECRET_KEY to a random string (use an online generator), DB_PASSWORD to your database password, DB_NAME to your database name, DB_USER to your database user and PA_USER to your Python Anywhere username.

Now from the Dashboard tab create a new Bash console to clone the site and setup a virtual environment.

git clone
cd RSEAdmin
mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3.6 rseadmin-virtualenv
(rseadmin-virtualenv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: The above assumes that a up-to-date requirements.txt file exists within the repo which matches the poetry dependencies. This should always be the case however if you change any poetry dependencies the requirements file should be updated by calling (requires Poetry >= 1.x);

poetry export -f requirements.txt -o requirements.txt

Within the bash console check that your secret settings are correct using

python check --settings=RSEAdmin.settings.pythonanywhere

If there are no issues then run the following to collect static, build the database and create a super user account for you to log in.

python migrate --settings=RSEAdmin.settings.pythonanywhere
python collectstatic --settings=RSEAdmin.settings.pythonanywhere
python createsuperuser --settings=RSEAdmin.settings.pythonanywhere

Return back to the Web tab of your Python Anywhere account and ensure that the source code and working directory fields both point to the root of the repo. Set Python version to 3.6 and edit the file so that it looks like the following

import os
import sys

# add your project directory to the sys.path
project_home = u'/home/rsesheffield/RSEAdmin'
if project_home not in sys.path:
    sys.path.insert(0, project_home)

# set environment variable to tell django where your is
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'RSEAdmin.settings.pythonanywhere'

# serve django via WSGI
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
application = get_wsgi_application()

Set the Virtualenv location to the location of your virtual environment i.e. (replacing pa_username with your username)


Ensure that your static files directory URL is set to /static/ and that it points to /home/pa_username/RSEAdmin/static-root (replacing pa_username with your username).

Turn on Force HTTPS and then restart the app from the top of the page. Your site should now be live and you can log in with the super user account your created.

Updating the site

If you want to update the site to include new features from main then simply call the following commands from your install directory on your web host

git pull
python collectstatic --settings=RSEAdmin.settings.pythonanywhere
python migrate --settings=RSEAdmin.settings.pythonanywhere

Deployment to your own VM(s) using Vagrant and Ansible

A separate repo is available to provide instructions for deploying on your own virtual machines.

Other notes


Django Adminlte2 for the overall theming. The version of Adminlte2 used in this app is using Bootstrap v3.3.7.