Two microservices, a Spring Boot Web application as Producer:gear:, a Java Command line application as Consumer:gear: and Kafka:gear: as broker. Maven project generates executable jars for both Producer and Consumer. Both modules can be individually built. Build on parent pom also generates producer and consumer jars. Both can be run on separate command windows. Actuator is enabled for Consumer Command Line application also.
Start Zookeeper: .\bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat .\config\
Start kafka: .\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\
Create topic "microTopic" and group "groupMicroTopic"
Run Producer: java -jar command on the jar from producer /target folder. This starts the Spring REST controller.
Run consumer: java -jar command on the jar from consumer /target folder. This starts the consumer
POST a string message using Postman Use to Post a message
The posted message gets logged in Producer console
Message logged in Consumer console :gear::gear::gear:
Logger Configuration
Log4J as dependency added to pom.xml
Log file path configured in for both Producer and Consumer.
Logger level configured in
Log file named kafka-pub.log will be created in folder as configured in
Log file named kafka-sub.log will be created in folder as configured in
Actuator Configuration
- Actuator context configured as manage in
Application Context Configuration
- Application context configured as micro in
Actuator links for Producer
Use http://localhost:8080/micro/manage/health for health from actuator
Use http://localhost:8080/micro/manage/metrics for metrics from actuator
Use http://localhost:8080/micro/manage/env for environment info from actuator
Use http://localhost:8080/micro/manage/beans for spring beans info from actuator
Actuator links for Consumer
- Use http://localhost:8085/manage/health for health from actuator