This implements Self Issued OpenId Connect Provider (SIOP) V2. The library contains two components, RP (Relying Party) and Provider. Provider is intended to be use inside any piece of software which will provide DID SIOP authentication (Identity Wallet) and RP can be used by relying parties (client applications) to employ DID SIOP authentication. This library can be used in both client-side (browser) and server-side (Node.js) applications.
Following are the primary specifications followed by this implementation.
By defalut, library uses specified Discovery metadata, but also provides a mechanism to use custom values.
// get default set of metadata
let temp_md:SiopMetadataSupported = {...SIOP_METADATA_SUPPORTED}
// set scopes to "openid" and "did_authn"
temp_md.scopes = ["openid" "did_authn"];
let keyResolv2018 = new KeyDidResolver('key', CRYPTO_SUITES.Ed25519VerificationKey2018);
let siop_rp = await RP.getRP(
redirect_uri, // RP's redirect_uri
temp_md, // use custom Metadata to initialise the RP
// get default set of metadata
let temp_md:SiopMetadataSupported = {...SIOP_METADATA_SUPPORTED}
// set scopes supported to "openid" only, so the request validate must have "openid" as scope
temp_md.scopes = ["openid];
// use the new metadata set to validate the request
let validityPromise = DidSiopRequest.validateRequest(requests.good.requestGoodEmbeddedJWT,temp_md);
Version 2 of did-siop provides mechanism to use custom DID Resolvers. Currently resolvers for following DID Methods are built in, but developers have the option to write thier own resolvers.
- EthrDidResolver did:ethr
- KeyDidResolver did:key
- UniversalDidResolver did:* - DID Methods supported by
To build a custom resolver to use with DID-SIOP, derive your custom resolver from DidResolver and override the resolveDidDocumet appropriately.
Default behavior of this library does not need any Resolvers to be specified. In absence of an external Resolver, library uses UniversalDidResolver which relies on (Please note, availability of is not consistent and do not advise to use it in live applications).
At the time of creating a RP or Provider instance, along with the DID, it is possible to specify an array of Resolvers that should be used to resolve the given DID. These resolvers must be derived from DidResolver baseclass. Once specified a set of resolvers at the time of creating RP or Provider instance, subsequent requirements of DID resolutions in that instance will use the provided resolvers. In addition to this, it is possible to specify an array of resolvers in following methods which overrised the instance level resolver list.
- RP:validateResponse
- RP:validateResponseWithVPData
- Provider:validateRequest
When using/building a resolver, the library provide the option of specifying a Crypto Suite to be used in resolving DIDs. Relevant Crypto Suite can be passed as an argument when constructing the DIDResolver.
let keyResolv2018 = new KeyDidResolver('key', CRYPTO_SUITES.Ed25519VerificationKey2018);
let siop_rp = await RP.getRP(
redirect_uri, // RP's redirect_uri
DID-SIOP has been tested the KeyDidResolver using following Crypto-Suites.
- @digitalbazaar/ed25519-verification-key-2018
- @digitalbazaar/ed25519-verification-key-2020
When generating a response with Provider.generateResponseWithVPData, matching Presentation Data for the vp_data parameter of Claims will be submitted using this data structure.
export interface VPData {
vp_token: any; // JSON object with VP related data
_vp_token: any; // JSON object wit VP request related info
When generating a response with Provider.generateResponseWithVPData , data is returned using this data structure. Both ID_Token and VP_Token are presended as Base64 encoded JWTs
export interface SIOPTokensEcoded {
id_token: string; // Base64 encoded JWT
vp_token: string; // Base64 encoded JWT
When validating a response with Provider.validateResponseWithVPData , method returns using this data structure. Both ID_Token and VP_Token are presended as JWTs
export interface SIOPTokenObjects {
id_token: any; // Decoded Object
vp_token: any; // Decoded Object
Sample illustrating the usage of basic funcitons of did-siop library can be found here
//Request Generation
var request;
siop_rp = await DID_SIOP.RP.getRP(
'localhost:5001/home', // RP's redirect_uri
'did:ethr:rinkeby:0x02be73dcaa2013a714b6745f54ff8576df151f8226cc3923538bfbfb9a014584fe', // RP's did
jwks_uri: ';transform-keys=jwks',
id_token_signed_response_alg: ['ES256K', 'EdDSA', 'RS256']
console.log('Got RP instance ....');
siop_rp.addSigningParams('c4873e901915343baf7302b0b87bae70bf5726e9280d415b3f7fc85908cc9d5a'); // Private key
console.log('RP SigningParams added ...');
request = await siop_rp.generateRequest();
console.log('Request generated ...', request);
//Response validation
const validateResponse = async () => {
let keyResolv2020 = new SIOP.Resolvers.KeyDidResolver(
let siop_rp = await SIOP.RP.getRP(
'localhost:4200/home', // RP's redirect_uri
'did:key:z6MkvEoFWxZ9B5RDGSTLo2MqE3YJTxrDfLLZyZKjFRtcUSyw', // RP's did
id_token_signed_response_alg: ['ES256K', 'ES256K-R', 'EdDSA', 'RS256']
); // Private key
console.log('RP SigningParams added ...');
let valid = await siop_rp.validateResponse(props.response);
console.log('Response validated ...', valid);
// Response Generation
const DID_SIOP = require('did-siop');
const generateResponse = async () => {
let provider = await Provider.getProvider(
console.log('Got Provider instance with User DID...');
); // User's private key
console.log('User SigningParams added ...');
// Request validation and response generation
console.log('props.request=>>', props.request);
.then(async (decodedRequest) => {
console.log('Request validation completed ...');
console.log('decodedRequest', decodedRequest);
let jwtExpiration = 5000;
try {
await provider
.generateResponse(decodedRequest.payload, jwtExpiration)
.then((responseJWT) => {
console.log('Response generated ...');
console.log('responseJWT', responseJWT);
} catch (err) {
console.log('ERROR provider.generateResponse ', err);
.catch((err) => {
console.log('ERROR invalid request', err);
Defined in src/core/globals.ts
- RS256, RS384, RS512
- PS256, PS384, PS512
- ES256, ES384, ES512, ES256K, ES256K-R, EdDSA
Defined in src/core/globals.ts
In the request, vp_token attribute could appear within the claims attribute. This should have have the presentation_definition attribute as a child element.
Sample vp_token (for requesting VPs) :
"vp_token": {
"presentation_definition": {
"id": "vp token example",
"input_descriptors": [
"id": "id card credential",
"format": {
"ldp_vc": {
"proof_type": [
"constraints": {
"fields": [
"path": [
"filter": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "IDCardCredential"
vp_token will be included in the same response as ID Token and will be a separate element in the same level as ID Token. In this implementation, vp_token is an Base64 encoded JWT. Along with vp_token, there coudl be a _vp_token attribute inside the id_token. Purpose of this is to give an indication about what VPs were requested at the request.
Sample _vp_token :
"_vp_token": {
"presentation_submission": {
"id": "Selective disclosure example presentation",
"definition_id": "Selective disclosure example",
"descriptor_map": [
"id": "ID Card with constraints",
"format": "ldp_vp",
"path": "$",
"path_nested": {
"format": "ldp_vc",
"path": "$.verifiableCredential[0]"
Sample vp_token (in response) :
id_token :{
<id_token content>
vp_token : {
"@context": [
"type": [
"verifiableCredential": [
"@context": [
"id": "",
"type": [
"issuer": {
"id": "did:example:issuer"
"issuanceDate": "2010-01-01T19:23:24Z",
"credentialSubject": {
"given_name": "Fredrik",
"family_name": "Strömberg",
"birthdate": "1949-01-22"
"proof": {
"type": "Ed25519Signature2018",
"created": "2021-03-19T15:30:15Z",
"jws": "eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..PT8yCqVjj5ZHD0W36zsBQ47oc3El07WGPWaLUuBTOT48IgKI5HDoiFUt9idChT_Zh5s8cF_2cSRWELuD8JQdBw",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"verificationMethod": "did:example:issuer#keys-1"
"id": "ebc6f1c2",
"holder": "did:example:holder",
"proof": {
"type": "Ed25519Signature2018",
"created": "2021-03-19T15:30:15Z",
"challenge": "n-0S6_WzA2Mj",
"domain": "",
"jws": "eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..GF5Z6TamgNE8QjE3RbiDOj3n_t25_1K7NVWMUASe_OEzQV63GaKdu235MCS3hIYvepcNdQ_ZOKpGNCf0vIAoDA",
"proofPurpose": "authentication",
"verificationMethod": "did:example:holder#key-1"
Find how to use SIOP with VP Data here
Test cases depend on the availabiltiy of (which goes offline time to time). If test cases are failing, check the availabiltiy of Uniresolver before troubshoot.
has html and js files which runs without any other dependencies. These files should refer dist/browser/did-siop.min.js
when implementing DID-SIOP related functions. puppeteer is used in headless mode with jest to run tests.
Use the following folder structure and naming covention when adding more tests.
|-- browser-app
| e2e-minimum.html
| e2e-minimum.js
prettier is setup for code foramtting. This has been setup with husky & pretty-quick to do the formatting at each commit.
This is necessarry only if you are building custom apps using did-siop-lib with older versions of TypeScript chaneg following line in node_modules/ethr-did-resolver/lib/index.js (ln1087)
// blockTag = qParams.get('versionId') ?? blockTag;
blockTag = ((qParams.get('versionId') == null) || qParams.get('versionId') == undefined) ? blockTag : qParams.get('versionId');