- 👩🏾 Jevona Magdalena
- 👩🏾 Keïsha Alexander
- 👩🏻 Hilal Tapan
- 👩🏽 Laiba Choudhry
During the projectweek we are given a choice between 2 projects, we have decided to go with the project Prompts engineering with poems. For this assignment we will have to fetch an api where you can generate poems based on themes and types. The user has a few types to choose from and fir the theme they can write anything they want.
When I am in a museum I would like to be able to generate poems based on themes.
- To install the server you need node and express. You can do that with nvm. Nvm is package installer where you can install different packages. With this code you can install the latest versions of npm and node in your terminal:
nvm install 19.8.1
- Clone this repository by running:
git clone https://github.com/RainbowJM/dicho-hackaton.git
- Install the dependencies by running:
npm install
Run the following code to start the server:
node app.js
- Can generate poems
- Can put own input
- Works on 73 inch screen
- Works on touchscreen
- preview mode on input fields
This project has a MIT License - see the license file for more details.
- EJS templating engine
- Node.js
- Service worker
- Express
We conducted a user test on 3 users. We asked if they could just scroll and navigate through our application. During the user test we discover various things like, the user can’t use the keyboard.
We noted all the obstacle the user had while using our application. Per user we have described what they went through
Remove on the home page the home button, because he thought that he wasn’t on the home page. On the screen you can’t type in the text in the input fields, no keyboard The touchscreen is basically just a mouse Keep in mind the touch screen
Everything went smoothly He knew where to navigate and what to click
The UI of the application has to change a bit, it is not that easy to navigate Give the user feedback, so that they know they are right on track, the user she was really confused on where exactly to go She was second doubting everything, she was really confused on the page where she had to generate the poems.
In the future if we want to continue with the application, we will keep these notes in mind and try to implement it to our code.
- https://codepen.io/hilallx/pen/LYgpmGr
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ServiceWorkerGlobalScope/skipWaiting