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Landslide Predicting Program for KU Hackfest 2022

A simple landslide detection project using Google Earth Engine, Python, HTML and CSS.

Team Members

  • Sudhansu koirala
  • Ayam Basyal
  • Rajaram Karki
  • Kalash Shrestha
  • Sampurna Karki
  • Mohit Pokhrel

Project Goals

  1. prediction of prevelence of landslide in landslide prone areas using image analysis of satellite images
  2. using the analysis in addition with the local soil and weather data to accurately predict the occurance of landslide
  3. on site analysis of soil for further risk acessment
  4. using twilio for communication to the affected group by landlides.

Regarding Soil

  • types of soil and it's effect on causation of landslides Relations Between Soil Development and Landslides Arnaud J.A.M. Temme Although landslides can occur in practically all soil types, maps of soil types and soil properties are often and successfully used as copredictors in statistically based landslide susceptibility modeling.

  • Classification of soil by fao base on the properties of soil

  • Numerically represent the data obtained from the image classification of satellite imagary higher value for soil types with higher probability of landslides

For the given input

Screenshot 2023-02-22 105005

We obtained the following output which shows the possibility of Landslides in the given areas

Screenshot 2023-02-22 104931