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A Rails backend app for sending a picgram using React frontend. The frontend repo can be found at . A user is able to sign up, sign in and send webcam pictures to other users on app. The app can be found at

Technology used

Ruby on Rails Heroku Github CarrierWave CarrierWave-aws

Entity relationship diagram

  • Created message scaffold, belongs to user
  • Updated message scaffold
  • Add sender_id as a reference (manually in migration)
  • Add receiver_id as a reference (manually in migration)
  • Add ‘Seen’ column as a boolean
  • Add Picture_id as a reference
  • Updated users, picture and message models
  • Tested the relationship works in psql
  • Created a message.create and picture.create and sent it to User.first from User.first

For image upload in Rails using Carrierwave

  • Added Carrierwave gemfile using above resource
  • Created new scaffold ‘Picture’ has_many: messages, ImageUploader
  • Created Image_uploader.rb

To store in Amazon S3

Carrierwave-aws (follow instructions on

  • In uploader, switched storage to :aws
  • Installed gem 'carrierwave-aws'
  • Added bin/initializers/carrierwave.rb
  • In .env, changed S3_BUCKET to S3_BUCKET_NAME
  • In .env, added AWS_REGIONOn front end, use formData ( -> for click pic
  • Added custom options for AWS url in uploader/image_uploader.rb
  • Adding s3:PutObjectAcl permission in AWS
  • Checked in localhost
  • Refreshed bucket

To get list of all users

  • Deleted initializers/aws.rb
  • Set up GET users route
  • Allow get users before authentication

Send a message

  • Messages_controller.rb
  • Added picture_id, receiver_id and in message_params
  • Made this a protected controller

Routes expected by API

  • /sign-up (create)
  • /sign-in (post)
  • /sign-out (delete)
  • /change-password (update)
  • /create-pic-message (create)
  • /inbox (get and update)
  • /examples (get)
  • /users (get)

Future issues to be solved

  • Make the app more secure
  • Ensure threading of conversations
  • Enable users to have profile pictures
  • Use websocket or action cable instead of making api calls frequently.

Heroku Deployment