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A React front-end app for sending a picgram using Rails backend. The backend repo can be found at The app can be found at

Technology used

  • React
  • NPM packages
  • WebcamCapture
  • Github

User stories

  • Authenticate (sign up, in, out, change password)
  • Create a picture / (take or upload a picture) --CREATE
  • Select user to send picture to
  • Send picture
  • Receive notification for new pic message
  • Check inbox
  • See who new message is from
  • Receive a picture --READ
  • User can see if the pic was seen or unseen --UPDATE
  • User can delete picture from their inbox --DELETE


App screenshot

To use webcam

  • Downloaded React package - WebcamCapture.js
  • Create a button for ‘sending pic’
  • Create a function to turn base64 image into blob
  • Create an api call to send blob to backend
  • In backend image_uploader.rb, remove extension white list as blob isn't saved as image file
  • To create folder hierarchy in s3, uncomment below in image_uploader.rb def store_dir "uploads/#{model.class.to_s.underscore}/#{mounted_as}/#{}" end

To get list of all users

  • Create User List component, render it under webcam and buttons
  • On “mount” in User List component, call “getUsers” api function
  • This function will GET the /users index
  • Then save these users into “this.state”
  • Show dropdown with all users by looping over “this.state”

For image upload in React using FormData()


  • Created pic-messaging/components/CreatePicMessage.js
  • Imported above component into App.js
  • Add authenticated route to 2 in App.js
  • Adding link to component in Header.js
  • In Api.js, send webcam image file via fetch method.
  • Using FormData, and nesting under “image” key
  • In the backend it will hit routes.rb, then picture controller, then picture model, then image uploader, which saves the file in AWS s3

Send a message

  • When a user is selected, and a pic has been taken, “Send Message” button needs to send the * picture_id, sender_id, and receiver_id to POST /messages
  • Hoisting WebamCapture(picture_id) and user list(receiver_id) to CreatePicMessage(sender_id)
  • User is passed from app.js to createPicMessage component
  • Api call is made with header and token for authentication

Receive a message

  • Make an Inbox component and display on header as Link
  • Add authenticated routes and pass user to Inbox inside App.js
  • On component mount,
  • Call getMessages api function
  • This function will GET the /messages using receiver_id
  • setInterval to run every second
  • Send seenMessage api function
  • To update seen:null to seen:true
  • In render,
    • If message.seen===null, bold
    • if message.seen===true, not bold
  • Render a list of messages to choose from
  • onClick function makes api call to update message from seen: null to seen: true
    • Style changes to make the updates apparent on front end

Future issues to be solved

  • Stylistic changes
  • Use websocket or action cable instead of making api calls frequently.
  • Ensure threading of conversations
  • Inbox link will be highlighted if new messages are received
  • Add profile pictures for users
  • Enable users to experiment with epsilon photography using just their webcam
  • Friend particular user instead of listing all users on the app

Deployment $npm run build $npm run deploy