My config files, primarily for i3wm.
This list may not be complete, I just pulled it out of my head.
Packages from the official Arch Linux repo:
- i3-wm
- compton
- i3lock
- termite
- vim
- vimpager
- ttf-fira-sans
- ttf-dejavu
- numix-themes
- feh
- sysstat
- xdotool
- rofi
- scrot
- fzf
- tmux
- gsimplecal
- zenity
Packages from the AUR:
- i3blocks-git
- i3-swap-git
- xflux
- ttf-font-awesome
- vim-youcompleteme-git
- vim-fzf
- vim-airline
- i3ipc-python-git
- xcwd-git
- vim-gruvbox-git
- vim-airline-gruvbox-git