Powershell script to download, extract, install and configure VistA CPRS client application as well as downloading Docker Desktop for Windows and pulling/running the VistA EHR image
Open VSCode Studio and and open a new folder.
Select a Clone Git Repository... and enter https://github.com/RamSailopal/Powershell-VistA-CPRS.git
Once cloned, type "Powershell" on the Windows search bar (bottom right of desktop) Select Run as administrator Once the shell is opened, enter:
Set-Location <location of cloned directory>
With no parameters/flags added, the script will attempt to install the neccesary dependancies and run the VistA EHR container
The action flag will allow the docker container to be created, destroyed. recreated, as well as attaining the status
Accepted values:
start - Create the container
stop - Destroy the container
restart - Recreate the container
status - Attain the status of the container
install - Install the neccesary dependancies and run the VistA EHR container (default option)
noint-install - None interactive install
.\VistA-docker.ps1 -action restart
Open VSCode Studio and and open a new folder.
Select a Clone Git Repository... and enter https://github.com/RamSailopal/Powershell-VistA-CPRS.git
Once cloned, type "Powershell" on the Windows search bar (bottom right of desktop) Select Run as administrator Once the shell is opened, enter:
Set-Location <location of cloned directory>
When running the command as above, the IP address will be used along with the port of 9430
To run with specific a specific IP address and port, run with:
.\cprs-install.ps1 -ip -port 5987