concurrency-2 created by GitHub Classroom
BRIEF DESCRIPTION ABOUT GAME STORY :: The game "betrayal" is a dual player game . its a dual player game with 3 levels. level1 :: static enemies . level2 :: dynamic enemies. level3 :: fight between both players. Game moves forward as players destroy enemies.
/* for further detatils about game and to understand code check gamedetails.pdf */
GAME REQUIREMENTS :: Windows 10 Operating system . 1 keyboard .
BUILDING :: check gamedescription pdf
RUlES:: shoot enmies till they disapper. both players should be present on screen.
CONTROLS :: Player 1 on keyboard ->. to move up = up arrow key . to move down = down arrow key. to move left = left arrow key. to move right = right arrow key. to shoot = Player 2 n keyboard ->. to move up = w key. to move down = s key. to move left = a key. to move right = r key. to shoot =