Ranbir Aulakh Michael Knatz Victoria Palaoro
- Ensure you have Python 3.7 installed
- Then execute
pip install requirements.txt
to install dependencies - Use any IDE
- Download Docker Hub (https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop)
- When installing on Windows, ensure that you tick "Linux Containers" NOT "Windows Containers"
cd ClueLess/
If this is an initial setup or if you have made some changes to the Model classes, run the commands below:
python3 manage.py makemigrations
python3 manage.py migrate
If this is an initial setup, run the command below:
python manage.py loaddata init_data.json
python3 manage.py runserver
Then open web broswer (Chrome, Firefox, or Edge) and go to
Start Docker Service, open Terminal (or CMD) and execute:
docker run -p 6379:6379 -d redis
Create SuperUser (Admin Account)
python manage.py createsuperuser
Access Admin Panel?
What is ___?
- Procfile
- It's a file that runs python in the background on Heroku
- runtime.txt
- Let Heroku know which Python version to use
- requirements.txt
- Travis-CI or Heroku can download required dependencies in order to run the game
- django - Python web framework
- channels - Message communication
- channels-redis - Message communication (data store)
git add . git commit -am "commit message" git push heroku master