House Price Prediction AI by Neil G.
My goal for this project was to attempt to learn a little more about how RNNs work and function, and to create one to predict a stock price. The PG Stock was chosen due to it having one of the larger entry sets compared to others. The data used can be found here.
Eventually, I would like to work more with neural networks, specifically DNNs and CNNs.
The purpose of this project was to learn about RNNs. I feel like I learned a fair amount about how RNNs and LSTMs work through this project, although I have much more to learn. I think the model turned out successful at copying shape and getting close to true value, but it did under-predict slightly, and I wish I could've improved that.
Nevertheless, I cannot wait to learn more about neural networks and I wish to expand further into RNNs, CNNs, and DNNs.
This page was last edited on 01.27.2023