A DSO bytecode compiler and interpreter for the TorqueScript language used for scripting in Torque Game Engine.
Currently, only DSO bytecode version 33 (Torque Game Engine 1.2) has been implemented.
Constant folding optimization is available otherwise it is identical to the output given by Torque Game Engine.
The bare minimum TorqueScript Standard Library is in work in progress.
The web version of this program can be found on Netlify
Haxe 4 and the Haxe HashLink runtime is required.
haxe build.hxml
This build.hxml can be modified to output the source to various other languages.
There is also build-js.hxml which outputs a javascript library so that it can be embedded into any javascript projects. An example of such project is found in the web folder.
Documentation of interpreter functions can be generated by using the build-doc.hxml.
You can also transpile it directly to C using HashLink/C and compile that.
haxe build-c.hxml
The instructions after that are in https://gist.github.com/Yanrishatum/d69ed72e368e35b18cbfca726d81279a
Presuming you already have HashLink installed and you have built it:
hl bin/main.hl <path/directory> [-d] [-v[atr]] [-r] [-On] [-js] [REPL]
<path/directory>: The path to the file to compile to DSO, or the folder which will be recursively search for .cs/.gui TorqueScript files and compile it.
-d: Disassemble mode, Input in the DSO file/directory and it will disassemble it into human readable DSO instructions
-v: Used to explicitly change the verbosity of the DSO disassembly. Append a, t, r, or a combination of them or none of them to modify the verbosity, by default without the -v flag, all of the below are enabled.
a: Enables dumping of instruction arguments
t: Enables dumping of the constant value tables
r: Enables fancy printing of constant table references
-r: run dso file that is inputted
-On: compile optimization level where n is a number. 0 disables all optimization.
-js: transpile to Javascript
REPL: Starts a REPL, do not input path/directory, use this as the first argument.