Hi, I'm Rania Midaoui, an undergraduate Network and Telecommunications student at INSAT. I'm a Cloud/DevOps and Cybersecurity enthusiast.
Technologies, languages and tools:
Cybersecurity Journey - PWN, OSINT and Misc player with SOter14 - Member Of Securinets Technical Team
- Played more than 20 CTFs, since 2021.
- SOter14 is ranked first in Tunisia and made it to the top 50 globally.
- SOter14 was qualified for more than 3 finals, including the CSAW finals since it was formed in summer 2022.
- Microsoft Certified Security Operations Anlayst Associate
- System administrator and mentor at ACM INSAT.
- Azure Administrator Associate (AZ-104)
- Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer.
- IBM Certified Associate Developer in Quantum computing using Qiskit
- Qworld's QBronze and QSilver diplomas