- assume
exists, otherwisemkdir -p ~/yche-bin
, otherwise-DLEGACY_BUILD=ON
rm -rf ~/build-tmp
mkdir -p ~/build-tmp
cd ~/build-tmp
cmake -H~/workspace/yche/git-repos/Graph500KroneckerGraphGenerator -B~/build-tmp -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/yche-bin
make -j
make install
see uwsampa/graphbench/data/generator.
make all
- example under the
./yche_generator_omp 23 -e 16 -o /ssd/zlai/yche-datasets/kron23-16.bin -b
-- generator_seq
./generator_seq <# of vertices (log 2 base)> <-e intNumber [optional: average # of edges per vertex, defualt to be 16> <-o outputFileName [optional: default to stdout]> <-s intName [optional: default to use the current time]> <-b [optional: default is ascii version, -b for binary version]>
-- generator_omp
./generator_omp <# of vertices (log 2 base)> <-e intNumber [optional: average # of edges per vertex, defualt to be 16> <-o outputFileName [optional: default to stdout]> <-s intName [optional: default to use the current time]> <-b [optional: default is ascii version, -b for binary version]>
- To produce a data file with
vertices and an average of4
edges per vertex (degree8
), with tsv output, do:
./generator_omp 16 -e 4 -o output16.txt
- generate binary files, turning on the switch option
./generator_omp 24 -e 16 -o s24.kron.bin -b
./generator_omp 28 -e 15 -o rapids-s28.e15.kron.edgelist.bin -b
./generator_omp 29 -e 10 -o rapids-s29.e10.kron.edgelist.bin -b