Keep your mind active or challenge others and see how fast you can do it.
This python game uses tkinter and keeps track of your previous scores. Enjoy and see how fast you can do 4x4, 6x6, 8x8 or 10x10?
Thank you for checking out my Memory Game.
Go to the directory to where you downloaded is located on your Raspberry Pi and right click on your mouse and select Extract Here or Extract To... so you can select where you want it installing.
then you can simply double click on the memory icon and selecting Execute box to start playing the Memory Game.
On the command line using (example: cd Downloads) to the directory is located, you can check if it is in the current directory by entering: ls This would give a list of files in your current directory. Once located on the command line enter: sudo unzip You will see output to the screen that the appropiate files are unzipping.
then you can enter on the command line enter: ./memory to start playing the Memory Game.
I hope you find the Memory Game fun. Martin Parker.