The best math results are at least 80% of the maximum possible score of 800 for math. Save your results in a pandas DataFrame called best_math_schools, including "school_name" and "average_math" columns, sorted by "average_math" in descending order.
Save your results as a pandas DataFrame called top_10_schools containing the "school_name" and a new column named "total_SAT", with results ordered by "total_SAT" in descending order ("total_SAT" being the sum of math, reading, and writing scores).
Save your results as a pandas DataFrame called largest_std_dev. The DataFrame should contain one row, with:
- "borough" - the name of the NYC borough with the largest standard deviation of "total_SAT".
- "num_schools" - the number of schools in the borough.
- "average_SAT" - the mean of "total_SAT".
- "std_SAT" - the standard deviation of "total_SAT".
- Round all numeric values to two decimal places.