woied Python
--A Python interface for Yahoo GeoPlanet Web Services REST APIs. Python 2 and 3 are all supported!--
Author | Renchen Sun |
sunrenchen@gmail.com | |
Github | https://github.com/Ray-SunR/ |
https://ca.linkedin.com/in/renchensun |
This library provides a pure Python interface for the Yahoo GeoPlanet API. It works with Python 2.7+ and Python 3.
Yahoo! GeoPlanetTM is designed to bridge the gap between the Real and Virtual worlds by providing the Internet with an open, comprehensive, and intelligent infrastructure for geo-referencing data on Earth’s surface.
In practical terms, Yahoo! GeoPlanet is a resource for managing all geo-permanent named places on earth. It provides the Geographic Developer Community with the vocabulary and grammar to describe the world's geography in an unequivocal, permanent, and language-neutral manner, and is designed to facilitate spatial interoperability and geographic discovery. Developers looking to geo-enable their applications can use GeoPlanet to traverse the spatial hierarchy, identify the geography relevant to their users and their business, and in turn, unambiguously geotag, geotarget, and geolocate data across the Web.
--From PyPI--
$ pip install woeid
--From source--
Download from pypi https://pypi.python.org/pypi/woeid/0.1.4
Download the latest woeid library from: https://github.com/Ray-SunR/woeid
Extract the source distribution and run:
$ python setup.py install
The code is hosted at Github https://github.com/Ray-SunR/woeid
Check out the latest development version anonymously with:
$ git clone https://github.com/Ray-SunR/woeid.git $ cd woeid
Navigate into test folder:
$ cd test
and run:
$ python test.py
This section is subject to changes made by Yahoo and may not always be completely up-to-date. If you see something change on their end, please create a new issue on Github or submit a pull request to update it.
In order to use the woeid API client, you first need to acquire the consumer key. The consumer key
will be required in order to create a woeid.Api
The first step in doing so is to create a Yahoo App. Click the "Create an App" button and fill out the fields on the next page.
If there are any problems with the information on that page, Yahoo will complain and you can fix it. (Make sure to get the name correct - it is unclear if you can change this later.) On the next screen, you'll see the application that you created and some information about it:
Once your app is created, you'll be directed to a new page showing you some information about it.
The stirng which is ecnlosed in red rectangle is your consumer key
At this point, you can test out your application using the consumer key
to instantiate a woeid.Api(client_id=`YOUR_CLIENT_ID`)
as follows:
import woeid api = woeid.Api(client_id=[consumer_key])
import woeid api = woeid.Api(client-id=`YOUR-CLIENT-ID`, select='long', format='xml') # Specify the requesting language api.Lang = 'zh-Hans' # Specify the view api.Select = 'short' # Set the response format api.Format = 'json' # Set the maximum number of records returned api.Count = 5
woeid.PrettyPrintResult(api.GetPlaces(q='Long Island', typ=22, nd=True))
woeid.PrettyPrintResult(api.GetPlaces(woeid=[2488042, 2488836, 2486340]))
api.Select = 'short' woeid.PrettyPrintResult(api.GetPlace(woeid=2507854))
api.Select = 'long' woeid.PrettyPrintResult(api.GetPlace(woeid=638242, parent=True))
woeid.PrettyPrintResult(api.GetPlace(woeid=12587712, ancestors=True))
woeid.PrettyPrintResult(api.GetPlace(woeid=(2507854, 2380824), common=True))
woeid.PrettyPrintResult(api.GetPlace(woeid=(2488042, 2488836, 2486340), common=True))
woeid.PrettyPrintResult(api.GetSeas(place='Pacific Ocean'))
woeid.PrettyPrintResult(api.GetDistricts(county='Greater London'))
woeid.PrettyPrintResult(api.GetConcordance(namespace='iso', id='CA-BC'))
Hello! My name is Renchen. I am a 24-year-old Full-Stack Software Developer from Vancouver BC, Canada.
I consider myself:
- A heavy
- A command line lover
- Most capable of
programming. Also capable of programming inJava
- Comfortable writing portable codes for different platforms (
) - Passionate about server-side development (
) - An expert in