Application and performance evaluation for three tree-based classifiers: Decision Trees, Random Forests, and Gradient Tree Boosting, on two different datasets; Wheat Seeds and Covid-19 Outcomes in Ontario.
- Load datasets and perform some exploratory plots.
- Application on the use of classification algorithms: decision tree, random forest,and XGBoost.
- Performance comparison and evaluation of the three approaches.
Wheat Seeds: This small dataset is the UCI Seeds Data set ( The examined group comprised kernels belonging to three different varieties of wheat: Kama, Rosa and Canadian. These are the labels. There are 70 elements for each variety of wheat, randomly selected for the experiment. The dataset is provided in a txt file format.
Covid-19 Outcomes in Ontario: Dataset 2 is about the confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ontario. A subset of this data is provided. The original data comes from the following file “Confirmed positive cases of COVID19 in Ontario” at: This project is using the features age group, gender, case acquisition info, city, outbreak, latitude, and longitude. The feature outcome1 is the label, it can have 3 values; Fatal, Resolved, or Not resolved.
- Classify the data using three tree-based classifiers: Decision Trees, Random Forests and Gradient Tree Boosting.
- Tune the hyper-parameters of the classifier using 10-fold cross validation and sklearn functions.
- Evaluate the best value for the number of trees and maximum depth of trees.
- Across both datasets, compare and contrast the performance of the three approaches and highlight interesting patterns.
- Max depth: {3, 5, 10, None}.
- Plot the mean accuracy versus the maximum depth.
- Examine the final resulting splitting rules used for the trees and highlight interesting patterns that explain the data.
- Number of trees: {5, 10, 50, 150, 200}.
- Max depth: {3, 5, 10, None}.
- Plot the mean accuricies in a Heat Plot for different values of number of trees and maximum depth.
- Use GradientBoostingClassifier on SKLearn.
- Number of estimators: {5, 10, 50, 150, 200}.
- Plot the mean accuracy versus the number of estimators.