To run:
./create_reduced_tree txt_file outfilepath
is a text file containing the LFN of the Ntuples. In the directory ntuples/split
are text files containing ~30 Ntuples each. So for example, we can do:
./create_reduced_tree ntuples/split/xaa scout_skimmed_1.root
to get a skimmed Ntuple scout_skimmed_1.root
from the Ntuples in file xaa
The files
are used to submit batch jobs to do the skimming.
takes the path to the directory containing the text files as a command-line argument.
is the bash script submitted to batch.
You can run it with:
. ntuples/split
The executable to do the fitting is ./lowMass_prompt
. There are two ways to run it:
Running on a single skimmed Ntuple
make ./lowMass_prompt -inputFiles=inputfile
is not specified, the default skimmed Ntuple used is/mnt/hadoop/store/user/idutta/DarkPhoton/Samples/xcg2Dec2018/2Dec2018xcg_job0_scout_skimmed.root
. -
Running on multiple skimmed Ntuples
make ./lowMass_prompt -tchain -inputFiles=scout_skimmed.txt
In this case
is a text file containing the LFN of the skimmed Ntuples. The-tchain
flag specifies that a TChain is used to create a TTree from multiple ROOT files.
Displays a help message with information about the flags.
Used to specify the path to the txt file to write fit results. Default path is fitSB_JPsi_output.txt
./lowMass_prompt -fitOutFile=fit.txt
Used to specify tag for identifying output image file and ROOT file storing RooWorkspace. No tags are used as default.
./lowMass_prompt -imgtag=allEvents
Specifies program to use the number of entries in the range 0 - 10 GeV from the input file for setting initial values of nsig
and nbkg
. Default uses the number of entries in the JPsi range (2.0 - 3.5 GeV).
./lowMass_prompt -totalEntries
These are smaller NTuples containing 500 000 and 1 000 000 total entries respectively in the whole range 0 - 10 GeV. They can be used for debugging.
To run:
make getLimits
./getLimits --inputFileSig=<input signal ROOT file path> --inputFileBkg=<input bkg ROOT file path> \
--treeName=tree --outputFile=<output ROOT file name> --datacard=<datacard file path> \
--mzd=<mzd [GeV]> --tau0=<tau0 [mm]> --binNumber=<binNumber> --vtxCut=<vertex cut [cm]> \
--sigFit=<signal fit PDF> --bkgFit=<bkg fit PDF> > output.txt
make getLimits
./getLimits --inputFileSig=../trimscoutV2/all-trimscoutV2-darkphoton_mzd_20_tau0_100mm_full.root \
--inputFileBkg=../trimscoutV2/all-trimscoutV2-darkphoton_mzd_20_tau0_1000mm_full.root \
--treeName=tree --outputFile=combine10.root --datacard=datacards/combineDatacard10.txt \
--mzd=20 --tau0=100 --binNumber=1 --vtxCut=10 \
--sigFit=bw --bkgFit=expo > output.txt
This creates two new directories output
and datacards
in the current directory. output
contains plots of the background and signal fits (bkgFit_bin1_cut_10cm.png
and sigFit_bin1_cut_10cm.png
), and the toy data thrown from the fitted PDF (dataToy_bin1_cut_10cm.png
). datacards
contains the combine datacard (combineDatacard10.txt
) and the ROOT file with the RooWorkspace for the combine input (combine10.root
The datacard can then be put into combine with
combine -M Asymptotic datacards/combineDatacard10.txt --minimizerStrategy=1 --X-rtd ADDNLL_RECURSIVE=0 > limit.txt
To get the correct normalization for the signal shape, the number of signal events without any cut must be changed for each lifetime. This is done by changing the N_sigNoCut
variable here:
The signal yield without any cut should also be changed for the different background fits used. This is done by changing the sigYieldNoCut
variable here:
The implemented PDFs for fitting could be specified with the following:
- Exponential — expo
- Double Exponential — doubleExpo
- Power — pow
- Double Power — doublePow
- 2nd Order Bernstein Polynomial — bernPoly2
- 3rd Order Bernstein Polynomial — bernPoly3
- 2nd Order Chebychev Polynomial — chebPoly2