# Done once to setup environment
cmsrel CMSSW_9_4_4
cd src
git clone git@github.com:RazorCMS/SUSYBSMAnalysis-JetNtupler.git SUSYBSMAnalysis/JetNtupler
scram b
# Run the ntuples
cmsRun python/jetNtupler_MC_AOD.py
- isQCD: False if running signals, True if running QCD
- Matching is done differently for QCD
- isFourJet: False for glueball model; True for fourjet
- Difference is LLP particle IDs are different in the two models
- readGenVertexTime: False for glueball model; True for fourjet
- Difference is glueball model used 2016 condition, doesn't have genVertexTime info for now. (will have them when the new samples are ready)
- Output file name:
process.TFileService = cms.Service("TFileService",
fileName = cms.string('input.root'),
closeFileFast = cms.untracked.bool(True)
- Input file name:
process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource",
fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring('output.root'),
They are all on Caltech tier2: (should be accessible through xrootd)
The different directories are different h production mode
- ggh: ppTohToSS1SS2_SS1Tobb_SS2Toveve_MC_prod
- vbfh: ppTohjjToSS1SS2_SS1Tobb_SS2Toveve_MC_prod
- wh: ppTohwToSS1SS2_SS1Tobb_SS2Toveve_MC_prod
- zh: ppTohwToSS1SS2_SS1Tobb_SS2Toveve_MC_prod
- ggh with ISR: ppTohToSS1SS2_SS1Tobb_SS2Toveve-ppTojhToSS1SS2_SS1Tobb_SS2Toveve_MC_prod
- There are a few mass points / ctau points for each production modes, some production modes only have one point
- Once in a particular mass/ctau directory, AODSIM is in the directory that ends with *DR-AODSIM_CaltechT2/
- eg: the four ROOT files in