Simple plugin that provides functionality to show jobs openings and vacancies on your website.
This plugin makes use of localization files. We only speak a few languages, so if you want to add your own language, we'd be happy to merge it!
- List Job Openings through front-end component
- Customizable button text and links
- Cover & Avatar image capability
- Reorder job openings
The component template is dependant on Bootstrap Front-end Framework
If you find any problems with this plugin, feel free to submit a ticket. There's no harm in that. However, we'd appreciate it if you fix something for your personal projects which would benefits others that you PR your fixes. In this we can all have a look at it, and implement it in further versions!
Rememeber: Sharing is Caring!
Developed for Rebel59 by @CptMeatball. Plugin may be altered in anyway, provided you link back to this repo.
- 1.0.0: Initial version.